A Case of Participatory Action Research in Honduras
Farmers all over the world face the challenge of increasing pressure on biophysical conditions, climate change and changing market conditions due to globalisation. Technologies like multipurpose forages can improve the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of smallholder production systems in fragile environments, but widespread adoption has not been achieved. This book describes how a study involving 150 farmers designing and conducting experiments with grasses, leguminous crops and shrubs in central Honduras increased insight in aspects related to adoption. Factors connected to farmers’ research objectives were identified, farmer research methods were evaluated and farmers assessed performance of forages. Entry points such as food security allowed quick farmers’ involvement. Long-term perspectives are essential to effectively improve farming practices. Multipurpose forages integrated in mixed farming systems offer a valuable potential for intensification and income generating opportunities.
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Kommunikation und Beratung, Band 91ISSN 0947-03522009; xvi + 208pp.; 21 x 14,8 cm; paper
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