An Ethnobotanical Survey in the Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India
The concept of sustainability involves a comprehensive and integrated approach to economic, social and environmental processes. The role of social, political, and cultural factors is now getting more recognition and multidisciplinary research is directed towards seeking ways of development according to the specific requirements and potentials of any particular region. Efforts to uplift hill economy should accordingly focus on certain issues related to ecological and social capitals. This requires transparent strategies and a sound infrastructure designed in such a way that are efficient, but also simple and up to the convenience of the ordinary people. Local biodiversity and the associated indigenous knowledge are suggested as methods for the establishment and strengthening of a social order that emerges from the people and is based on human dignity. Such an intervention aims to serve under-privileged, submerged and marginalized rural communities. Central to this is the recording and systematic documentation of indigenous knowledge on uses of plant species. This book communicates an innovative approach demonstrating the importance of plant taxonomy and ethnobotany in the service of meeting human needs through the preservation of indigenous knowledge and conservation of wildlife biodiversity. This is the result of extensive plant collections and interaction with rural communities in the hills of the Garhwal Himalaya, a distinct, remote and least developed socio-economic region of India.
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Kommunikation und Beratung, Band 82 ISSN 0947-0352 2007; XII + 108pp.; 21 x 15 cm; paper
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