Analysis from the Communication Perspective
This research aims to understand the mechanisms and processes of science- practice interaction in transdisciplinary research with the purposes of strengthening transdisciplinary communication and improving project management. Focal points for science-practice interaction are discussed. For project management, heteroge- neity among stakeholders, power relations, translation and the role of the translator, as well as the dynamics of interaction should be considered. For process manage- ment, iteration, reflexivity and flexibility are important to timely adapt to specific or unexpected situations. In addtion, all actors in transdisciplinary research projects should raise their awareness to science-practice interaction, improve their commu- nication skills and increase ownership of the whole process. Further research is needed in the development of both, communication theories and practical solutions, including the documentation of good practices under specific contexts, detailed pro- cess guidelines and indicator systems.
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Kommunikation und Beratung, Band 12788pp+X; 21 x 15 cm; paperback 2020, ISBN 978-3-8236-1773-0
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