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Band 044: Bachmann, Lorenz: Review of the Agricultural Knowledge System in Fiji

Opportunities and Limitations of Participatory Methods and Platforms to promote Innovation Development

The author describes the articulated agricultural knowledge system of the Small Island country Fiji. The focus of this study is the agricultural research and extension departments of the Ministry of Agriculture. A participatory action research methodology was used to investigate the potential of participatory methods to improve information flows between farmers and the Ministry, in order to achieve systematic user integration in the knowledge system. Furthermore, several project cases were analysed to investigate the potential of platforms, to bring together different actors, and to improve innovation development and diffusion. The results describe:

• Chances and difficulties of training participatory methodologies (e.g. PRA),

• ways and means to integrate farmers as knowledge users in a knowledge system in order to revise research and extension priority setting, and

• shows how platforms can be used to better organise co-operation of relevant actors in the process of agricultural innovation development and diffusion.

Hence, the book provides methodological tools for tackling the complex issue of agricultural development. By promoting multiple perspectives, better integrating farmers and their knowledge through participatory methods, and the use of platforms as joint learning opportunities for all relevant actors, the book highlights new ways for innovation development, and improves the chances for wider adoption of these.

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Kommunikation und Beratung, Band 44
ISSN 0947-0352
2001, 230pp., numerous ills.; 21x14,8 cm; paper

0.00 EUR
Artikelnr.: 978-3-8236-1350-3
  • (Preis ohne MwSt: 0.00 EUR)
  • (enthaltene MwSt: 0.00 EUR)