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Vol. 042: Regassa, Senait: The Economics of Managing Land Resources towards Sustainability in the Highlands of Ethopia

Increasing population density and the movement of farming into marginal zone of mountainous areas have resulted in mountain farming systems which tend to overuse land. As a consequence living standards of people may become unsustainable. Maintaining or enhancing land productivity through reversing the present trend of land degradation is a challenge that Ethiopia has to face today. Apart from the immediate causes of land degradation, socio-economic circumstances and the policy environment in which the custodians of the rural land, the farmers, live dictate how land is managed. This book attempts to assess factors affecting choice of land management techniques, the economic competitiveness of a mechanical soil conservation and water harvesting technique, and the future impact of adoption of a soil conservation strategy on resource use, credit need, cash balance and living standard of farm families in the Ethiopian highlands.

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Farming & Rural Systems Economics Vol. 42
ISSN 1616-9808
2002; 152 pp., 42 figs; 21 x 14,8 cm; paper

28.00 EUR
Artikelnr.: 978-3-8236-1375-6
  • (Preis ohne MwSt: 26.17 EUR)
  • (enthaltene MwSt: 1.83 EUR)