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Band 069: Ekane, Halle: The Rationality of African Cultural Dynamism

A Case Study in Bakossiland, South-West Province of Cameroon

Policies and strategies to Africa’s growth and development are generally conceptualised on economic performance, at the macro level, with the ability to quantitatively increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP). This often leads to prescriptive solutions, which do not satisfactorily remedy and ameliorate the welfare and wellbeing of the people. Production, exchange and consumption at the micro-level are strongly dependent on multifunctional institutions and organisations, which have become a cultural manifestation of the Bakossi and many African people. These institutions define the value system of the people, pattern their decision-making behaviour and influence their livelihood strategies.

Economic behaviour is deeply rooted in institutions that propagate sentiments and affection, and in the socio-economic and political interaction, transactions are highly controlled by a belief and religious structure in which supernatural powers play a central role. On the other hand a mysterious environment has been crystallised in which the people can always smile. Is it a subtle happiness in the system of solidarity?

To change the culture of a people is not an easy undertaking. But changes and adaptations are necessary to ameliorate the welfare and wellbeing of the people in a changing world. This study about institutions in Africa provides necessary insights to discuss appropriate changes.

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Kommunikation und Beratung, Band 69
ISSN 0947-0352
2005; XVIII + 258pp.; 21 x 15 cm; paper

25.60 EUR
Artikelnr.: 978-3-8236-1474-6
  • (Preis ohne MwSt: 23.93 EUR)
  • (enthaltene MwSt: 1.67 EUR)