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Symbol of the nineteenth-century botanist, now an obsolete relic

At the risk of outing myself as an ‘obsolete relic’, I have to come clean and recount my own introduction to the ‘vasculum or botanical collecting box’. In the 1960s my family lived in Leeds and on coming home for lunch from school one day with my brother and sister, we found an unexpected parcel addressed to us. I must have been seven or eight at the time. The packet came from the firm of Reynolds and Branson, suppliers of laboratory and photographic equipment, and had been sent at the request of our great aunt May Padman. Aunt May was a keen botanist and lived in the beautiful village of Boston Spa, on the spe- cies-rich Magnesian limestone rather than the species-poor, acidic Millstone grit around Leeds. On opening the package we found a strange, bright green, metal box, which our Mother told us was a ‘vasculum’. Though no longer able to undertake fieldwork herself, having been immobilised by a stroke, Aunt May wanted to encourage our early botanical pursuits, as she had done with her niece Ann Woolliscroft while collecting belladonna and foxglove for the war effort during World War II. Curiously, according to Mother, Aunt May never used a vasculum and for us children it came too late. Technology had moved on and this was now the era of collecting into polythene bags, but I still have the box as a memento of times past. On seeing the French version of this remarkable book in 2022 my immediate reaction was that it needed to be made available to a much wider audience, to readers of English, but also for its remarkable illustrations. These show not only the historical development of the vasculum itself, but a quite extraordinary range of images, from illustrations in catalogues of suppliers of scientific equipment, to vivid ‘chromos’ advertising some rather surprising products. Many of the latter are from the author’s own collection, assembled over a period of many years. The other major reason for wanting to make the book more widely available is that it hugely extends the pioneering, but largely Anglocentric, work on the subject by David Allen and members of the Botanical Society of the British Isles.

30.00 EUR

A Field Guide, Third enlarged edition

This field guide of the wildflowers in the Azores islands provides short species portraits with full- colour photographs for 645 vascular plants growing wild in the archipelago and mentions key distinguishing characters for the remaining species. More than 1100 of the about 1200 species of the flora of the Azores are covered in this book, the most comprehensive treatment for these islands. Not only the most common species but also rare and unusual plants of thrilling beauty are illustrated and described, some of them for the first time.

Much emphasis is given to endemic species that can be found nowhere else in the world and invasive plant species that have been introduced to the Azores from all over the globe. They describe a serious threat to the native ecosystems in the archipelago. In addition to the scientific name, the Portuguese, English, German, and French names are given for each species. A glossary in English, Portuguese and German helps readers to better understand the scientific terminology.

An invaluable aid for all plant lovers in the Azores: students, teachers, farmers, rangers, scientists, tourists.

39.90 EUR

Endemische Alpenpflanzen

Das mächtigste und größte Gebirge Europas sind die Alpen. Sie erstrecken sich von den Ligurischen Alpen im Südwesten bis zum Wiener Schneeberg im Osten über eine Länge von mehr als 1.000 km und eine mittlere Breite von etwa 200 km. Über Jahrmillionen haben sich großartige und unterschiedliche Gebirgslandschaften gebildet.

In ihnen finden wir mit etwa 5.000 Pflanzenarten eine vielfältige, aber auch eigenständige Pflanzenwelt vor. Viele Pflanzen arten kommen ausschließlich in den Alpen vor, die Alpenendemiten. Im vorliegenden Buch stellen die Autoren mehr als 500 dieser Endemiten vor. Auf etwa 750 Fotos wird jede dieser Arten mit einem Foto, bei einigen Arten zur besseren Unterscheidung mit einem zusätzlichen Detailfoto abgebildet.

Im allgemeinen Teil werden die erdgeschichtliche Entstehung und die Florengeschichte der Alpen, die Entstehung der Endemiten, ihre pflanzensystematische Verteilung, ihre Lebensräume und ihre Hauptverbreitungszentren beschrieben und mit 70 typischen Landschaftsfotos vorgestellt. Im speziellen Teil werden die einzelnen Arten ausführlich beschrieben und mit Fotos dargestellt.

››› Here you will find a free excerpt of the book!

65.00 EUR

Die neue, große und umfassende Flora der Kanarischen Inseln

Im vorliegenden Werk werden auf 1.300 Seiten über 2.000 Farn- und Blütenpflanzen der Kanarischen Inseln in Wort und Bild dargestellt. Fast alle der etwa 650 endemischen Sippen werden mit einem oder mehreren Fotos abgebildet. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche, meist mediterrane, eingebürgerte und invasive Arten.

Über 2.400 Farbfotos, darunter zahlreiche Detailaufnahmen, 

ermöglichen eine sichere Bestimmung der auf den Kanaren vorkommenden Arten. Im Text finden sich außerdem Angaben zu 200 weiteren Arten, wie man sie unterscheidet und auf welchen Inseln sie vorkommen.

Im einleitenden Teil werden die einzelnen Vegetationsstufen beschrieben, des Weiteren die Inseln und ihre Entstehung und die Entwicklung der Flora.

Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Ergänzung zu den bisher vorliegenden Bestimmungsbüchern. Unentbehrlich ist es für alle Pflanzenliebhaber der Kanaren: für Botaniker, Studenten, Lehrer als auch für Touristen.

Here you will find a free excerpt of the book!

99.00 EUR

Available in December 2015

About the e-book

On 21 December 2011 Carex Europaea, volume 1, was published. This book was sold out rather quickly, so now has been decided to produce an updated e-book version. In the e-book some improvements are made on the text of the 2011 version. Besides, literature within the period 2011-2015 has been taken into account.

This e-book is a documentary book about the nomenclature and distribution of European taxa and hybrids within the genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae). Of all European taxa are given their Accepted Names and all known synonyms both with full citation. Altogether there are about 4500 names involved. Of all taxa is given their distribution within Europe per country and worldwide is given their general distribution. Providing they exist the chromosome numbers (2n) are given for Accepted taxa. 

All known European hybrids are mentioned, most of them provided with a name, the others with only their hybrid formula. Of all hybrids is given their European distribution as well, albeit probably incomplete.

Finally about 30 taxa are regarded to be introduced in Europe.

In the back of the book almost 150 pages present full colour photos of about 2/3 of all European species and some hybrids. The photos are meant “to give all the names a face”.

Seven Appendices complete this book. Listed are all authors with their full name lifetime/year of birth and country/countries. All the abbreviated publications used in the main text of chapter 2 and 3 are fully cited. Finally there are lists of “Carices named after”, a list of all the countries and islands, a list of “Interesting websites”, an Appendix with Introduced taxa and one with Question marks.

Finally an Index with all the Synonyms and one with Taxa from outside Europe are given.

This e-book aims to be a reference work for everybody working in the field of Botany or Nature Management.



59.50 EUR

Ornamental Plants of Malta is a result of one of his research projects dealing with the Flora of the Maltese Islands. In this book almost all the ornamental plants cultivated in public places in Malta (approximately 450 species), are included. Descriptions of the ornamental plants are complemented by about 600 full-colour photographs, with notes on the flowering time, place of origin and occurrence in Malta, and remarks (e.g. about cultivation details) are included to provide the reader with useful background about certain plants.
An invaluable aid for plant lovers, gardeners, students, and teachers, scientists and tourists, and all those interested in learning more about the variety of ornamental plants to be found in Malta and the Mediterranean region.

26.00 EUR

Ornamental Plants of Malta is a result of one of his research projects dealing with the Flora of the Maltese Islands. In this book almost all the ornamental plants cultivated in public places in Malta (approximately 450 species), are included. Descriptions of the ornamental plants are complemented by about 600 full-colour photographs, with notes on the flowering time, place of origin and occurrence in Malta, and remarks (e.g. about cultivation details) are included to provide the reader with useful background about certain plants.

An invaluable aid for plant lovers, gardeners, students, and teachers, scientists and tourists, and all those interested in learning more about the variety of ornamental plants to be found in Malta and the Mediterranean region.

35.00 EUR

In this field guide to the wildflowers of the Maltese Islands more than 600 of the approximately 1000 species of vascular plants found in Malta, are considered, not only the most prevalent species but also rare ones, introduced or indigenous, as well as most of the endemic species that grow nowhere else in the world. The guide provides short descriptions complemented by about 630 full-colour photographs, with notes about the flowering time, place of origin, occurrence and distribution in the Maltese Islands. An invaluable aid for all plant lovers interested in Malta, especially students and teachers, or scientists and tourists from all over the world.

35.00 EUR

This field handbook is the result of over fifteen years’ experience of forestry operations under projects
conducted by CIRAD. It sets out to fill a gap in the literature available on the flora of the dry zones of West Africa. Its 1 300 colour photographs of flowers, fruits, leaves and bark will facilitate identification of each of the 360 species presented. 
As trees are an integral part of the landscape and have many functions and uses, an up-to-date inventory is also given of the traditional uses of the different parts of plants for pharmaceutical and human and animal food purposes and in daily life. The determination keys and descriptive sheets are accessible to non-specialists in botany, be they technicians working in forestry, agriculture or animal production, teachers or students. This book is a reference for anyone in need of information on the trees and shrubs of the region.

76.00 EUR

Their characteristics and uses


Trees and shrubs play a significant role in maintaining the natural exosystem and in preventing and combatting desertification in the Sahel. They provide a multitude of useful products for the people of the region. Thus not only foresters but also farmers, herdsmen, urban and regional planners and decision-makers at all levels should know more about them. 

The identification of the many different woody species that may occur is not always easy. A few botanists, experienced foresters or other people may be available to help. Appropriate facilities exist in well-equipped institutes, but these are not always accessible when needed in the field. The lack of a practical field guide has thus become evident. This book is intended to go beyond descriptions of botanical characteristics and provides some basic information on site requirements and ecology, silvi-cultural techniques and traditional as well as potential uses. Information from project-related fieldwork was compiled and finally arranged in the form of this book…

59.50 EUR

Flore du Gabon & Flore d'Afrique

From 01.07.2024 on, both series are distributed directly by Plantentuin Meise. For orders please proceed to webshop(at)