Food and nutrition security is important for welfare and economic growth. Most developing countries lack the means to access adequate nutrious foods. This condition has a crucial impact on their economic, social, and political status as well. In Sudan, the majorty of the people who are working in the agricultural sector and other related activities are susceptible to food and nutrition insecurity. In the dry land sector, the issues of cropping patterns, crop production, crop diversity, coping mechanisims, and income play an essential role in shaping food and nutrition security. This book offers an opportunity to evaluate the current situation of food and nutrition security among the farm households. It also focuses on the factors that influence the farming system and crop diversity as well. The farming system plays a fundamental key in supporting the income and food security in the dry land sector. However, it is greatly subjected to climatic and environmental factors that contribute to low crop output. The book also examines the application of coping mechanisims, food gap, food consumption patterns, and nutrient intake for the farm households. Data analyses were conducted using descriptive statistics, the Shannon index, censored Tobit regression model, coping strategies index (CSI), ordered probit regression model, food frequency, and binary logistic regression model.
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Farming & Rural systems Economics Vol. 131ISSN 1616-98082011; XVIII +276pp.; 21 x 14,8 cm; paper
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