The Case of Bangladesh
Internal migration is considered as an important livelihood strategy for poor people in rural regions of Bangladesh. Although international migration received attention by researchers, internal migration research is still very limited. This study focuses on exploring the farm household level determinants of rural-urban migration and its impact on farm production and food security status of the households. Primary data collected from the 316 farm households in Bangladesh are used for empirical analysis of the study. This book reports on the empirical findings of the reasons for migration from the rural farm households in Bangladesh and the impacts of this kind of migration on farm production and food security of the left behind members of the households. This book also presents an explanation of how migration affecting labour and non-labour input use in farming and thereby on farm production. The results, based on econometric estimation, show that young and active individuals are mostly migrating in to the cities. Farm production is negatively influenced by the migration of one or more members from the farm family. This book also reports that farm household’s food security status has been improved due to migration of their family member based on the empirical findings. Finally this book come up with some policy recommendations for better management of internal migration in order to reduce the negative effects of migration on agriculture as well as on the economy and to optimize the benefits from migration.
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Farming and Rural Systems Economics, Vol. 152ISSN 1616-98082015; XVIII+178; 21 x 14,8 cm; paper
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