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Leaves - The Secret Life

Author(s): Dr. Lawrence C.W. Jensen Version: 1.0 Type: DVD-ROM

System requirements:

DVD player 

Three dimensional animations, supported by authoritative narrations, explore the leaf surface and explain the functioning of the guard cells. The viewer is then taken inside the leaf to see the photosynthetic and conducting cells. Witness the dynamic events of guard cell movements, gas exchange and the transport of water and sugars. Animations also illustrate the forms of leaves and how they are modified for dry and aquatic habitats. Running times for Leaves are: Part 1: Organisation of the leaf, 2 min 17 sec; Part 2: Functioning of the guard cells, 1 min 59 sec; Part 3: Functioning of the mesophyll and veins, 3 min 2 sec; Part 4: Leaf modifications, 3 min 50 sec.

29.75 EUR
Artikelnr.: 90-75000-79-0
  • (price without VAT: 25.00 EUR)
  • (VAT: 4.75 EUR)