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A Survey of Nigeria’s Cocoa Sector

This book presents studies and papers by academics, researchers and policy makers in various universities and research institutes in Nigeria. It is on historical issues related to the development of Nigeria’s Cocoa sector and contemporary challenges associated with its production and commercialisation across the southern part of Nigeria. Different aspects have been examined at micro and macro levels. These include social, economic and environmental factors as well as the consequences for the livelihood of actors and the growth of the sector.

20.00 EUR

The role of universities


We are pleased to present in this book all the abstracts that are being presented both orally and as posters at the 2018 Tropentag Conference that is organised for the first time in Belgium at Ghent University. This conference forms the culmination of a whole year effort by a wide team of committed collaborators both in Belgium and Germany.

Tropentag is an annual, international conference on tropical agriculture, food security, natural resource management and rural development. It is the largest European interdisciplinary conference on research in (sub)tropical agriculture and natural resource management. It rotates between universities and research institutes in Berlin, Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, and since 2014 Prague and Vienna. Tropentag 2018 is organised by Ghent University, Belgium (predominantly the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering - Department of Plants & Crops, Laboratory for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Ethnobotany, and the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association), jointly with the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Research (ATSAF e.V), in cooperation with the GIZ Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF). This year’s theme of the conference is ‘Global food security and food safety: The role of universities’, but the numerous sessions and workshops cover a much broader range of subject areas that all centre/ focus on ‘tropical agriculture’.

Agriculture deals with the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fibre, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Its prime vocation is and should be to sustainably maintain and – where needed and possible – significantly improve the nutrition and health situation of people around the world. Hunger, malnutrition, and poor health are global, and increasing development challenges. Agriculture has made remarkable advances over the last decades in increasing quantity and quality of food and other produce, but its contribution to improving the nutrition and health of poor farmers and consumers in developing countries often still lags behind. In cases where food provision is structurally guaranteed, food quality may still be a problem. Agricultural research and universities have an important role in addressing and solving both food security and food safety. They should do this in collaboration with national and international governmental and non-governmental donor and policy-oriented organisations, with respect  for local, regional and global socio-economic and cultural situations, legal conditions, markets and market mechanisms, limitations and opportunities, gender equity and the natural resource environment, in order to provide for sustainable solutions.

The conference theme is addressed in plenary keynote lectures and in presentations and poster contributions organised in 24 thematic sessions. This year a special emphasis will be given to ‘agriculture for nutrition and health’ with contributions of this year’s CGIAR feature research project A4NH (see:, as indeed we opted for featuring a program rather than a centre as the CG system itself is organising itself much more than before around federating themes that bring together CG centres but also partners from academia and research sensu lato. All in all, we received some 960 abstracts addressing these issues. This book contains about 340 poster abstracts, and 110 abstracts for orals, whereby a big portion is in line with the conference’s theme. The role of universities, or academia in general, apparently inspired a lot of scholars. Additionally, you will also find the keynotes’ abstracts.

We hope that the scientific contributions in this book will help you to broaden your knowledge, and find answers to a number of important research and development questions and to the conference theme. We wish you an enjoyable and rewarding Tropentag! 

For the organising committee of Tropentag  2018
Prof. dr. ir. Patrick van Damme

Ghent University
Ghent, September 2018

85.60 EUR

The leafminer fly Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an economically globally important pest of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and vegetables. Its polyphagous nature combined with the pests’ high reproductive rate and rapid development of insecticide resistance contributed to its success to become an invasive species. The research presented here deals with its ecology and management. The development of an IPM program requires detailed knowledge of an agro-ecosystem, its components and how they interact. Ecological approaches in IPM of the leafminer fly L. huidobrensis are based on an overall understanding of its distribution and population dynamics in different potato agroecologies supported by phenology modeling, yield loss assessments and the use of control thresholds to minimize insecticide applications, habitat management with special consideration of conservation biological control and the use of selective insecticides to enhance natural biological control. Our research attempted to apply and test ecological concepts and principles to the design, development and implementation of IPM strategies profitable for farmers and with fewer environmental and human risks, and further showing that adequate management strategies in potato agroecosystems can improve natural biological control and consequently increase agroecosystem resilience to pest outbreaks in the Peruvian coast. Management strategies developed for lowland conditions can be used as a basis for designing control measures for potato highland agroecologies. Further, results can be employed to develop and adapt IPM for L. huidobrensis to new regions invaded by the pest.

25.60 EUR

A Handbook on Transdisciplinary Approaches to Agrobiodiversity Research

This book presents theoretical backgrounds, methods and practical approaches for addressing the urgent issue of agrobiodiversity loss in transdisciplinary research projects.

In short, transdisciplinary research aims at finding solutions for ‘real world’ problems that are perceived important by society, and does so by actively involving non-academic stakeholders and practitioners into the research process. It puts emphasis on integrating knowledge and skills of stakeholders operating at different levels, and on negotiation processes concerning values, goals and outcomes of the research, while also building on collaborative learning and practical action.

The handbook focuses on the process of generating transformation knowledge towards sustainable and equitable agrobiodiversity management and use, and aims to inspire change – in research, institutions and in the field. Written from a science perspective, it targets an audience of scientists in international and national institutions working in the area of agrobiodiversity research and teaching, as well as students and development practitioners involved in transdisciplinary research projects.

41.20 EUR

History and Impacts of a Chair at the University of Hohenheim, Germany

This book intents to reflect about the impact of a team in a Chair at Hohenheim University on the development of institutions at faculty, university, national and European level especially by introducing Master and Bachelor Curricula and international PhD programmes at Hohenheim University.

This book intents to reflect about the impact of a team in a Chair at Hohenheim university in improving academic teaching in European universities as well as in the universities in Africa, Asia and Latin America to international leading standards.

This book intents to reflect about the impact of a team in a Chair at Hohenheim university to international research in the development from specialized research to holistic concepts of future impact assessment relevant for farming and rural families and policy decision-makers in rural development in the tropics.

29.96 EUR

The main objective of this book is to demonstrate the potential that geoprocessing tools have for supporting rural extension and development. The focus is on the Global Positioning System (GPS), virtual globes, and simple geographic information systems (GIS). Remote sensing – the analysis and manipulation of satellite images – is not included, owing to its complexity. Based on examples, and without any claim to comprehensiveness, the book offers a range of insights into the use of these geoprocessing tools in interventions in the context of international development cooperation. The aim is to encourage extensionists and rural advisors who work with communities and have little or no experience with mapping tools to start using them whenever this makes sense and adds value to their initiatives and projects. Rural advisors with stronger technical skills in GIS and mapping will find inspiring examples of projects that have successfully made use of these tools – examples.

20.00 EUR

Comparing Traditional and Modern Farming Societies in Rural Turkey

In this study gender involvement in intra-household decision-making is handled in a comparative way for traditional and modern farming families of Turkey. While doing so, socio-economic status of farms including the family members in two edge points of Turkey as well as gender relations in villages are considered. When differences among two societies are sometimes very significant, sometimes very similar situations are witnessed.
First of all, the biggest difference in socio-economic status of women is seen in the educational level. In rural societies of Erzurum where traditions prevailed, the illiteracy rate of women is higher than for the men in the Erzurum region as well as the women in rural Izmir. Furthermore, years of schooling also show divergence between men and women. The average schooling years of women in rural Izmir is higher than for the men whereas it is lower for women in rural Erzurum. The origin of the differences is the lack of opportunities and conservativeness of traditional societies.
In terms of women’s roles, there are differences between genders however not between regions. Both in traditional and modern rural societies, the roles of women are different than men. Women are not only housekeepers, but also they are active farmers. When in rural societies of Izmir, women work all day as well as all year in the farm, in the Erzurum region women are in charge of livestock activities. However, they also work in the farm if they have land or as external labour.

28.00 EUR

Die Images der Landwirtschaft umfassen Vorstellungen, spontane Assoziationen, Erinnerungen und Gefühle, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Landwirtschaft haben. Wie Teile eines Puzzles liegen die Facetten der Images zunächst einzeln nebeneinander. Es geht dabei um Kommunikation über Landwirtschaft, es geht um Erinnerungen an konkrete Begegnungen, es geht darum, wie Landwirtschaft in den Massenmedien wahrgenommen wird und was Menschen in der Landschaft von der Landwirtschaft wahrnehmen. Schrittweise werden diese Aspekte gruppiert und in Form eines Strukturgleichungsmodells zu einem Kausalmodell verdichtet.

Der Studie liegen zwei standardisierte empirische Erhebungen zu Grunde. In der ersten, sehr umfangreichen Erhebung sollten deutschlandweit die Images der Landwirtschaft im Gesamten erfasst werden. In der zweiten Erhebung in Baden-Württemberg wurde das Instrumentarium in einer reduzierten Form auf die Images der ökologischen Landwirtschaft angewandt. Einige Fragen schließen an Bekanntes aus früheren Image-Studien an. Die meisten Fragen jedoch sind neu formuliert. Aus dem bestätigten Kausalmodell ergeben sich Hinweise für die Gestaltung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Berufsstandes und des Agrar- und Ernährungssektors.

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Please qoute author name and order number: 1617.

25.60 EUR

An Integrative and Learning Based Advisory Approach for Rural Extension with Small-Scale Farmers

This book is about reaching small-scale farmers more effectively and providing support they need to earn a better livelihood from their agricultural activities. About forty percent of the world’s population, i.e. 2.6 billion people, still live from agriculture. More than two thirds of all poverty world-wide is rural poverty, and 99% of all farmers live on small-scale farms. According to the final report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) in 2008, it is highly uncertain that the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015 can be achieved in view of the growing numbers of poor people, particularly those who live from small-scale farming. 

Agricultural extension has been facing increasing demands since it was initiated about 100 years ago in industrialised countries, and about 50 years ago in developing countries. Enhancing agricultural productivity and production has been, and remains, a central concern of farming, and thus also of agricultural extension. Facing diverse environmental challenges, such as finding ways to adapt to a changing climate or mitigate the degradation of natural resources, has become more and more important over the past 30-40 years. Agricultural lands have been shrinking since 1975, and rural populations have not yet reached a turning point in their demographic growth; hence the number of people in farming is still growing, although many young and old people are also being forced out of agriculture, while those remaining have increased their off-farm activities.

At the centre of this book is an integrative and learning-oriented approach for extension that enhances the economic, ecological and social dimensions of rural sustainability. Two in-depth experiences illustrate how rural extension has been reshaped by this approach. LforS, or “learning for sustainability”, appears to be a truly innovative method as applied in Madagascar to rural afforestation and in Mongolia to organisational development. I highly recommend this book to all persons engaged in rural extension, both in developed and developing countries.

20.00 EUR

Ein Traktor, gerahmt durch ein stilisiertes Auge: Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung, der Blick auf das eigene Dasein in der Landwirtschaft und der Blick der „anderen“, der Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung ist die Wahrnehmung durch die Sinne, entlang erlebter, erinnerter und interpretierter Ereignisse. Dargestellt sind in diesem Buch Ausschnitte der Wahrnehmung, in denen es um die Landwirtschaft geht und um einige ihrer vielfältigen Aufgaben. Andere Ausschnitte konzentrieren sich auf die Menschen in der Landwirtschaft – Frauen und Männer, Auszubildende und Ausbilder, Pächter und Verpächter. Es geht um Erfolg und Scheitern in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, es geht um Risikovorsorge – gezeigt am Umgang mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln und es geht um politische Mitbestimmung. Es geht in den Beiträgen oftmals um Kommunikation über Landwirtschaft, denn die Beiträge zeigen nicht nur, was von wem in welcher Weise wahrgenommen wird. Die Beiträge zeigen auch, wie vielfältig und uneinheitlich Landwirtschaft heute praktiziert und erlebt wird, wie unsichtbar der Wandel der Lebensverhältnisse in der Landwirtschaft von statten geht und welche kommunikativen Anstrengungen dies nach außen bedarf. Es sind durchaus sehr unterschiedliche Elemente, die in den Perspektiven dieser Beiträge betrachtet werden. Gemeinsam ist den Beiträgen, dass sie versuchen, landwirtschaftliche Lebenspraxis und deren Einbettung in die ländliche Entwicklung besser zu verstehen – stärker geschieht dies hier aus der Perspektive der Landwirtschaft selbst, etwas weniger stark geschieht dies aus der Perspektive von Nicht-Landwirten.

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Please qoute author name and order number: 1601.

25.60 EUR

Training Concepts and Tools
- Also available: electronic version of this book for download!

Recent rural development policy and approaches in the developing world have focused more on policy dialogue, good governance and decentralization in reaching the MDGs. Subsequently however, agricultural extension services have suffered, with poor funding and generally underpaid and under trained manpower. Despite many agencies recommending pluralistic extension models delivering services according to demand and market opportunities, their realization has been problematic. 

Increasing scarcity of food, fuel, feed and fiber, combined with new risks posed by climate change has catapulted agriculture back onto the political agenda. Issues of food security, environmental protection and sustainable economic development pose new and major challenges to the agricultural sector, and to extension in particular.

To meet this critical gap in knowledge, the University of Hohenheim, with support from the BMZ and GTZ has edited a 3rd fully revised edition of the handbook to be published in 2009 by Margraf, available to citizens of ACP countries via the CTA. 

Much has changed since the last edition in 1987. This revised 3rd edition updates exist-ing knowledge with new insights in line with recent developments and experience. It covers more and broader perspectives, both rural as well as important ruralurban linkages, agricultural technologies and agriculture in developing nations facing increasing integration into globalized markets and value chains. It references all five continents, with regard to good practices and achievements as well as the pressing issues. There is also a brand new volume dealing with capacity building.

The revised 3rd edition is both tool and training guide, essential for all those involved in agricultural extension, whether impoverished or smallholder farmers or commercial farmers and companies, and equally suitable for use from field level up to university courses.


The Volumes 

We recommend reading the first volume completely and then to use the others for reference purposes. Here you find a brief over-view:

Volume 1:  Basic Issues and Concepts 

[Ed. by V. Hoffmann, Maria Gerster-Bentaya, A. Christinck and M. Lemma]

Volume one lays out basic issues and concepts of agricultural extension in a problemorientated, demand driven and sys-temic/systematic approach. Improve the design, planning and implementation of work programs and activities, enhancing the quality of advisory work for the benefit of both client and society alike.

Volume 2:  Examples and Background Materials

[Ed. by V. Hoffmann, A. Christinck and M. Lemma]

The second volume supplements and illustrates the first by providing a wide range of practical examples and background materials.

Volume 3: Training Concepts and Tools 

[Ed. by Maria Gerster-Bentaya and Volker Hoffmann]

The completely new third volume is of special interest to those involved in the training of extension workers as well as to academic staff. It provides comprehensive guidance and assistance in areas such as training concepts and tools, course outlines and modules.


Order the pdf version of this title here!

You can download the complete material of this volume for free here!

30.00 EUR

Examples and Background Material
- Also available: electronic version of this book for download!

Recent rural development policy and approaches in the developing world have focused more on policy dialogue, good governance and decentralization in reaching the MDGs. Subsequently however, agricultural extension services have suffered, with poor funding and generally underpaid and under trained manpower. Despite many agencies recommending pluralistic extension models delivering services according to demand and market opportunities, their realization has been problematic. 

Increasing scarcity of food, fuel, feed and fiber, combined with new risks posed by climate change has catapulted agriculture back onto the political agenda. Issues of food security, environmental protection and sustainable economic development pose new and major challenges to the agricultural sector, and to extension in particular. 

To meet this critical gap in knowledge, the University of Hohenheim, with support from the BMZ and GTZ has edited a 3rd fully revised edition of the handbook to be published in 2009 by Margraf, available to citizens of ACP countries via the CTA. 

Much has changed since the last edition in 1987. This revised 3rd edition updates exist-ing knowledge with new insights in line with recent developments and experience. It covers more and broader perspectives, both rural as well as important ruralurban linkages, agricultural technologies and agriculture in developing nations facing increasing integration into globalized markets and value chains. It references all five continents, with regard to good practices and achievements as well as the pressing issues. There is also a brand new volume dealing with capacity building.

The revised 3rd edition is both tool and training guide, essential for all those involved in agricultural extension, whether impoverished or smallholder farmers or commercial farmers and companies, and equally suitable for use from field level up to university courses.

55.00 EUR

Basic Issues and Concepts
- Also available: electronic version of this book for download!

Recent rural development policy and approaches in the developing world have focused more on policy dialogue, good governance and decentralization in reaching the MDGs. Subsequently however, agricultural extension services have suffered, with poor funding and generally underpaid and under trained manpower. Despite many agencies recommending pluralistic extension models delivering services according to demand and market opportunities, their realization has been problematic. 

Increasing scarcity of food, fuel, feed and fiber, combined with new risks posed by climate change has catapulted agriculture back onto the political agenda. Issues of food security, environmental protection and sustainable economic development pose new and major challenges to the agricultural sector, and to extension in particular.

To meet this critical gap in knowledge, the University of Hohenheim, with support from the BMZ and GTZ has edited a 3rd fully revised edition of the handbook to be published in 2009 by Margraf, available to citizens of ACP countries via the CTA. 

Much has changed since the last edition in 1987. This revised 3rd edition updates existing knowledge with new insights in line with recent developments and experience. It covers more and broader perspectives, both rural as well as important ruralurban linkages, agricultural technologies and agriculture in developing nations facing increasing integration into globalized markets and value chains. It references all five continents, with regard to good practices and achievements as well as the pressing issues. There is also a brand new volume dealing with capacity building.

The revised 3rd edition is both tool and training guide, essential for all those involved in agricultural extension, whether impoverished or smallholder farmers or commercial farmers and companies, and equally suitable for use from field level up to university courses.


Order the pdf version of this title here!

37.45 EUR

La définition d’objectifs et de priorités constitue une composante primordiale des programmes de sélection réussis, dans la mesure où elle détermine le cours des activités futures, optimise les chances de réussite et l’impact,tout en permettant de délimiter clairement les rôles et responsabilités des partenaires. 

Un programme de sélection participative de plantes (SPP) nécessite une compréhension approfondie et globale des besoins des groupes d’utilisateurs spécifiques censés en bénéficier. Ceci comprend la connaissance des caractères de cultures requis pour l’adaptation aux conditions agroécologiques prédominantes, des systèmes locaux de production et de distribution de semences, ainsi que des exigences en termes de qualité pour chaque groupe cible. La définition efficace des priorités grâce à l’évaluation des principaux besoins des paysans figure au nombre des principales raisons qui expliquent la réussite liée à la participation des paysans aux programmes de sélection. 

Cependant, jusqu’à présent, les méthodologies de collaboration efficace avec les paysans pour la définition des objectifs d’un programme de SPP n’ont été décrites qu’occasionnellement. Ainsi, le présent manuel a vocation de contribuer à combler ce vide. 

Ce document propose des cadres pour la description et l’analyse des principaux domaines thématiques. Il propose un éventail de méthodes, d’approches et d’outils de communication pour la collaboration des chercheurs et des paysans afin d’identifier des milieux et groupes d’utilisateurs cibles, d’analyser les systèmes de production et les systèmes semenciers, d’identifier les principaux caractères et de définir les priorités. Par ailleurs, il prodigue des conseils pratiques sur les approches de planification et d’exécution des activités tantde sélection participative que de création de systèmes semenciers, tout en résumant les expériences pratiques acquises dans le cadre des projets de SPP à ce jour. 

Le présent manuel est le fruit de longues années de collaboration fructueuse entre praticiens de la SPP et experts en communication, qui allie les perspectives de la science sociale et de la science naturelle. Les concepts et méthodes de base de la sélection participative de plantes sont présentés de manière à faciliter leur application directe. 

Ce livre contient de précieuses idées, non seulement pour les sélectionneurs de plantes mais également pour les agents de développement qui ont vocation à promouvoir l'esprit d'innovation chez les paysans dans le domaine de la création de variétés. Les spécialistes de la biodiversité qui participent à la gestion in situ des ressources phytogénétiques, ainsi que les éducateurs et les formateurs dans les domaines susmentionnés y trouveront de précieux outils et vues d’ensemble.

28.00 EUR

This book discusses themes of food security, resources use and living standard in the Middle East and East Africa. Fifteen articles are presented in this book, discussing agricultural policies, market accesses as related to domestic food supply and international trade, management and efficiency of resources use in agriculture and the impact of the resource management on the living standard of the farming population in rural areas. The analyses deal with the current status of resources availability and use and how these resources contribute to the living standard of the farming families. Furthermore, the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the resources use are assessed to se the potentialities for sustainable resource use, and farming community and rural development. Moreover, it calls for specialization of the agricultural production based on comparative advantages by the various zones in the dry-land agriculture.

The analyses consider the different hierarchical levels and stakeholders starting from the farmer to the consumers and ending in the managerial and institutional level where decisions and policies to control the use of resources should be made. Potential future strategies on sustainability of the resources use, improving the living standard and developing the rural communities are discussed in this book. These Strategies are build upon the knowledge, perspectives and innovative capacities of farmers for finding solutions to production and resource management problems in addition to identify the best practices as a result pay users to use resources more sustainable.

35.00 EUR

A Potato Pest of Gobal Importance

The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), has achieved a worldwide distribution and is reported today to prevail in more than 90 countries. This publication is the result of a symposium on “Integrated Pest Management for the Potato Tuber Moth - A Potato Pest of Global Proportions”, which was held as part of the 6th World Potato Congress, 21-24 August 2006, Boise, Idaho. The book presents and discusses in 12 papers pest status and new modeling tools for potato tuber moth forecasting and risk mapping, biocontrol with entomopathogens and parasitoids and the use of attracticides as well as Integrated Pest Management for the potato tuber moth in various countries.

25.60 EUR

60 Jahre Landfrauen im Bayerischen Bauernverband

60 Jahre Landfrauengruppe im Bayerischen Bauernverband, 60 Jahre aktive Frauenarbeit für und mit Bäuerinnen. Damals galten Bäuerinnen als Versorgerinnen der Menschen auf dem Hof und der Nachkriegsgesellschaft, ihr Arbeitsalltag war erdrückend, eine eigene Stimme war ihnen nahezu nicht gegeben. Die Landfrauengruppe blickt zurück auf erfolgreiche Innovationen, die mittlerweile in eigener Trägerschaft gestaltet werden: Bildungswerk und Bildungshaus, Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof, Direktvermarktung. Heute treten Bäuerinnen auf als Botschafterinnen für die Landwirtschaft, für Ernährung und für Gesundheit. Sie öffnen die Höfe für die Öffentlichkeit, sie springen mit ein, wo sich der Staat aus Aufgaben der Fürsorge zurückzieht und sie vereinen ihre (außerlandwirtschaftliche) Ausbildung und Berufstätigkeit mit den Erfordernissen des Hofes und der Familie. Die Frauen gestalten die Landfrauenarbeit aus ihrem Erleben heraus und bereichern damit die vielfältigen Formen des ländlichen Lebens.

Dear customer! You can use our contact form to order a free pdf version of this title.
Please qoute author name and order number: 1523.

15.00 EUR

Proceedings of the Second Green Week Scientific Conference

The Project „Modern Agriculture in Central in Eastern Europe“ (MACE) seeks to enhance the capacity of agricultural research for problem analysis in CEE countries and thus contribute to managing the agricultural modernisation process. It is sponsored by the European Union and has a system focus, looking at the rural sector as a whole and examining important factors of change in CEE countries. Natural as well as socio-economic issues are discussed in this book. The proceedings of this conference held in Berlin (Germany) in 2008, show the wide variety of themes which characterise the area of agricultural studies nowadays.The papers presented by participants vary in themes from strategies for sustainable land use over cooperatives and producer groups up to challenges and opportunities of agricultural producers and the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural systems.

40.00 EUR

Proceedings of the First Green Week Scientific Conference

The Project «Modern Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe»  (MACE) seeks to enhance the capacity of agricultural research for problem analysis in CEE countries and thus contribute to managing the agricultural modernisation process. It is sponsored by the European Union and has a systems focus, looking at the rural sector as a whole and examining important factors of change in CEE countries. Natural as well as socio-economic issues are discussed in this book. The proceedings of this conference held in Berlin (Germany) in 2007, show the wide variety of themes which characterise the area of agricultural studies nowadays.The papers presented by the participants vary in themes from farm management over rural development up to market analyses, land use and environmental studies.

40.00 EUR

Wege zur Erhaltung kulturhistorischer Landschaftselemente

Was sind Wallhecken? Welche Funktionen übernehmen sie in der Landschaft und welche Bedeutung haben sie für ihre Besitzer? Wie werden Wallhecken in Niedersachsen und wie in den Niederlanden geschützt und gepflegt, und welche europäischen Fördermöglichkeiten können genutzt werden?

Diesen Fragen sind Julia Wiehe und Roswitha Kirsch-Stracke im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des INTERREG-IIIA-Pilotprojektes „Grenzübergreifendes Wallhecken -konzept“ für den Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim und die Provincie Overijssel nachgegangen.

Die Forschungsergebnisse münden in ein Förderprogramm zur Wallheckenpflege im Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim sowie in Vorschlägen zur Verwertung des Wallheckenschnittgutes und zur weiteren grenzübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit.

Julia Wiehe und Roswitha Kirsch-Stracke sind Landschafts- und Freiraumplanerinnen und arbeiten als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen am Institut für Umweltplanung der Leibniz Universität Hannover.

24.50 EUR

Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, has been encountering the conversion of primary and secondary tropical rainforests to agricultural use. In many parts of the region, cocoa continues to be a dominant crop of this process. Until its first yield, a common denominator of many cocoa-based agroforests is the cultivation of maize. This study focused on the description of the productivity and sustainability of two main land use systems, maize and cocoa production. The particular emphasis was on the spatial-temporal biophysical resource use and productivity in cocoa-gliricidia agroforests. Gliricidia, a legume, has been widely used throughout the tropics as a shade tree for cocoa. The book describes field trials conducted to study the interactions of maize with legumes and non-legumes at different nutrient levels and maize growth in cocoa-gliricidia agroforests. The book presents the allometric modeling of cocoa-gliricidia biomass and the application of the allometric equations in a description of the temporal change in cocoa-gliricidia biomass and carbon stocks. The development of cocoa yield, related tree-soil nutrient dynamics and cocoa-gliricidia root interactions were also studied temporally. The Water, Nutrient and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems (WaNuLCAS) model was used to synthesize knowledge of cocoa-gliricidia interactions, biophysical resource use and system productivity.

25.60 EUR

Cette publication présente quelque résultats du PROSTAB – un projet ivoiro-allemand. Dans 43 villages du Département d'Abengourou il a introduit des innovations techniques agricoles visant à l'amélioration de la fertilité du sol. Plusieurs systèmes de production (vivriers, café et cacao), ont fait l'objet d'expérimentations.

Le projet a acquis une expertise unique dans ce domaine. Cela lui permet aujourd'hui de vulgariser les innovations techniques qui se sont avérées concluantes à Abengourou. Les auteurs sont convaincus que les techniques élaborées peuvent produire les résultats similaires dans d'autres endroits de la Côte d'Ivoire et l'Afrique de l'Ouest, dans la zone humide.

10.00 EUR

Training Manual, Volume II

This forestry training manual provides a compendium of 29 training units that can be used as references in designing, planning, and conducting training programs on establishment and sustainable management of forests by smallholders. The focus is on establishment of production forests with protective functions achieved through a permanent forest cover. Primary target group of the training manual are trainers involved in implementation of KfW co-financed large-scale forestry projects in Vietnam. Secondary target group are personal of public and private forestry agencies as well as other organizations active in working with smallholders and forest resource conservation and management. 

VOLUME 1. FOREST ESTABLISHMENT covers principles of smallholder forestry in Vietnam, implementation planning; quality management, incentive & extension service delivery, small-scale container nursery; forest establishment. 

VOLUME 2. CLOSE TO NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT focuses on management of mixed close to nature forest stands including transforming single species plantations into sustainable mixed forest.

21.00 EUR

A Handbook for Practical Use in Participatory Plant Breeding Projects

Setting objectives and priorities is a crucial component of successful breeding programs as it determines the future course of action, maximizes chances for success and the impact achieved, and clarifies roles and responsibilities of partners.

A participatory plant breeding (PPB) program requires detailed and holistic understandings of the needs of the specific user groups it seeks to serve. This includes knowledge of the crop traits required for adaptation to prevalent agro-ecological conditions, the local production and seed distribution systems, and the quality requirements for each target group. Effectively setting priorities through assessment of key farmers needs has been one of the primary reasons for success from farmer participation in breeding programs.

However, methodologies on how to effectively work with farmers on setting objectives for a PPB program have only occasionally been described. This book is intended to help fill this gap. This book provides frameworks for description and analysis of key topic areas. It provides a range of methods, approaches and communication tools for breeders and farmers to work together to identify target environments and user groups, analyseproduction and seed systems, identify key traits and set priorities. Furthermore, it offers practical advice on approaches for planning and implementing both participatory breeding and seed system development activities, summarizing practical experiences gained in PPB projects to date.

This book results from years of fruitful collaboration between PPB practitioners and communication experts that unite social and natural science perspectives. Basic concepts and methods for participatory plant breeding are outlined in ways that facilitate direct application.

The book provides valuable insights not only for plant breeders but also development workers who seek to encourage farmer innovations with regard to variety development. Bio-diversity specialists involved in in situ management of plant genetic resources, as well as educators and trainers in the above mentioned fields will find useful tools and overviews.

28.00 EUR

Increasing pressure on land has destabilized the prevailing bush-fallow systems in West Africa, leading to soil degradation and nutrient depletion. Despite the generation of numerous technical options to improve the sustainability of such systems, they have been hardly adopted by farmers. The book describes adapted research activities to assess the potential of Mucuna fallows to improve prevalent food cropping systems in the Forest-Savannah Transitional Zone of Ghana. It comprises on-station experiments as well as farmer- and researcher-managed on-farm trials supported by descriptive and explorative surveys. Investigations covered aspects of agronomy and plant nutrition, weed science, farm household economy, cropping systems and farmers’ perception. Furthermore, the book describes the processes of technology development in which the Mucuna systems were stepwise adapted and fine-tuned to the local farming systems. In a synthesis, it was concluded that Mucuna systems on their own are not the solution to reverse soil degradation and to increase productivity. However, their potential for integration into specific farming situations is stressed.

25.60 EUR

Dieses Buch hat die Landwirtschaft aus dem Blickwinkel der Chemie und die Chemie aus dem Blickwinkel der Landwirtschaft zum Inhalt. Insbesondere werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Boden- und Pflanzenkunde im Hinblick auf eine möglichst ökologisch und nachhaltig betriebene Landwirtschaft, die nicht auf Ausbeutung der Natur, sondern auf Nährstoffrecycling beruht, dargestellt. Der Verfasser (Professor für Pflanzenernährung und Agrikulturchemie am Institut für Nutzpflanzenkunde der Universität Kassel) erläutert anhand von Beispielen die modernen Aspekte der Pflanzenernährung und der Agrikulturchemie in der Landwirtschaft in Bezug auf die gemäßigten Klimate, Tropen und Subtropen. Hierbei fließen seine vielfältigen Erfahrungen in den verschiedenen Klimagebieten der Erde (in Europa, Afrika und Asien) mit ein.

Dieses Lehrbuch wendet sich vor allem an Studierende, Fachkräfte, Lehrende und Berater in Landwirtschaft und angrenzenden Gebieten, aber darüber hinaus auch an alle naturwissenschaftlich Interessierte.

35.00 EUR

Root-parasitic weeds of the genus Orobanche constitute a major constraint to several crop production systems in the Mediterranean region and West Asia. The aim of the research presented in this book was to gain insight into the distribution and incidence of O. crenata and O. foetida in faba bean production in Tunisia and to assess farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of the Orobanche problem. Further, bacteria from the faba bean-Orobanche rhizosphere were evaluated for their potential use as biocontrol agents for these parasites. The screening of rhizobacteria led to the selection of several isolates of interest. Pseudomonas fluorescens Bf7-9 and P. marginalis strains Nc1-2 & Bzf9-1 showed significant levels of biocontrol activity against O. crenata and/or O. foetida. Selected PGPR strains showed a range of effects towards the host-parasite system including plant growth promotion, suppression of O. crenata parasitism on faba bean and promotion of O. crenata seed germination. Physiological characterization of the selected isolates suggests that mechanisms other than the production of lytic enzymes and cyanide are likely to trigger their biocontrol activity. Preliminary results obtained from a split-root system indicate the involvement of rhizobacteria-mediated induced systemic resistance in the Orobanche suppression. Overall, results clearly demonstrate that naturally occurring rhizosphere bacteria, particularly fluorescent Pseudomonads and some strains of Ralstonia pickettii, are of great interest for being effective candidates for biocontrol of Orobanche spp. applied in an integrated control approach and/or used for plant growth promotion.

25.60 EUR

Diseases constitute serious biotic constraints to sorghum production within West and Central Africa (WCA). Many of the diseases incited by fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes cause significant and economic losses. Further, sorghum production is constrained by water and nutrient stresses.

This book describes the various biotic and abiotic constraints limiting sorghum production within WCA. Drawing heavily on research and development activities within the region, the book concentrates on the causal organisms identified, symptoms produced on sorghum and control measures. Various possibilities used in the control of all the diseases are described such as host plant resistance, cultural practices such as sanitation and planting date, and fungicidal use in seed treatment. A chapter of this book focuses on Striga hermonthica, a major root parasite of sorghum and other cereals in West and Central Africa.  Methods involved in its control are described and novel approaches e.g. biological control that has recently received significant attention within the sub-region is highlighted. Further, extension approaches to Striga control are discussed.  The book intends to contribute to a more meaningful and practical approach to research, development and control of diseases on sorghum in West and Central Africa.

25.60 EUR

Evidence from many low income countries over the last decade shows that the share of rural household income from non-farm sources is growing. Empirical research found that non-farm sources contribute 40-50% to average rural household income. Most of this income originates from local rural sources. Thus, non-farm rural employment is gaining prominence in debates on rural development, particularly in the sense of reducing poverty in farm households and contributing to sustainable livelihoods. Farm households have been observed to follow a multitude of strategies to prepare for and cope with different kinds of risks and thus reduce their livelihood vulnerability. As it concerns income creating strategies, they can be grouped into two categories: (i) adjusting and diversifying farm production activities and (ii) non-farm activities (on- and off-farm) such as wage- and self-employment in the same region or urban centres, implying temporary or permanent migration. In summarysing, it can be stated that diversity and sustainability of livelihoods play a key role in rural households’ strategies to ensure survival under difficult ecological and economic conditions. Some common patterns can be identified: if access to farm land is a limiting factor for rural households, even low-paid jobs in the non-farm sector are of key importance to make a living. If land supply is elastic and accessible to rural households, the diversification of farm activities is followed as the main strategy to secure their livelihoods, often supplemented by some form of non-farm rural employment. In general, the farm size must surpass a critical threshold to create capacities to engage in better paid non-farm rural employment, which limits policy options to refer to non-farm rural employment as a silver bullet accessible to all social groups when fighting rural mass poverty. Also, the role of social capital assets cannot be underestimated as it paves the way for profitable forms of non-farm rural employment.

This edited volume is a collection of topical papers presented at the Deutsche Tropentag (DTT) 2001 “One World – Research for a Better Quality of Life” that was held at the University of Bonn from October. 9th to 11th, 2001 in Bonn. Papers of the thematic sessions on “Conflicts, Migration and Rural Development” as well as “Poverty and Livelihood Strategies” are combined in this publication. The papers deal with the issues of non-farm rural employment for sustainable rural livelihoods. It also includes one topical paper that was presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus (GEWISOLA) “Perspectives for the European Agricultural and Food Sector Following Eastern Enlargement”, September 30 to October 2, 2002, at the Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany. The contributions in this volume on non-farm rural employment and its poverty alleviation impact on farm households and policy options contains are from six case countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala as well as Bulgaria, Kosovo, and Romania) in two distinct regions (Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe).

25.00 EUR

Présentation des espèces cultivées

Jusqu’à l’aube du XXe siècle, les plantes originaires du continent constituaient la base de l’alimentation des populations africaines. Une grande diversité d’espèces sauvages indigènes avaient été domestiquées de longue date, notamment des plantes à tubercules, des céréales et de nombreux légumes.

Des cultures vivrières largement consommées dans d’autres régions du globe ont été introduites en Afrique et ces espèces exotiques ont bientôt commencé à se substituer aux cultures traditionnelles. Cette tendance s’est renforcée avec l’arrivée des colons européens et, peu à peu, la plupart des légumes africains sont devenus des cultures mineures.

Toutefois, les espèces exotiques se développent généralement mal dans des régions trop sèches ou trop humides ainsi que dans les parties les plus chaudes de l’Afrique. Dans ces régions, les espèces autochtones conservent leur importance et la demande en légumes indigènes se maintient car bon nombre d’Africains ne disposent plus de revenus suffisants pour acheter les espèces exotiques, jugées trop chères. On assiste donc à un renversement de tendance et à un regain d’intérêt pour les légumes traditionnels au détriment des cultures non-africaines. 

Cette évolution a généré une demande d’information, notamment de la part d’étudiants désireux de consacrer leurs efforts aux espèces indigènes et de vulgarisateurs sollicités par les agriculteurs. 

Dans Légumes africains indigènes, présentation des espèces cultivées, sont décrites près de 200 espèces, les 25 espèces les plus fréquemment cultivées étant traitées en détail. Ont été incluses toutes les informations disponibles sur l’origine et sur les aspects botaniques des espèces décrites. L’accent est mis sur le volet agronomique, l’ouvrage présentant l’état des connaissances actuelles sur les pratiques agricoles relatives aux cultures concernées.

Nous espérons que ce livre contribuera à la connaissance des légumes africains et stimulera leur étude.

52.00 EUR

Curauá (Ananas lucidus Miller) ist eine im feucht tropischen Amazonasgebiet heimische Faserpflanze, welche aufgrund ihrer sehr guten Faserqualität hinsichtlich Feinheit und Festigkeit als Ersatz für glasfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe, z.B. im Automobilbau, verwendet werden kann. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den agrarökologischen Bedürfnissen von Curauá. Dabei wurde der Einfluss mineralischer oder organischer Düngung sowie der Zeitpunkt des Anbaus auf den Faserertrag und die technologischen Fasereigenschaften bzw. die Faserqualität von Curauá untersucht. Außer der Optimierung eines dem industriellen Faserbedarfs angepassten Produktionsverfahrens, sollte der Curauá-Anbau hinsichtlich einer Einkommensverbesserung lokaler Kleinbauern überprüft werden. Daher wurde auch der Einfluss des Mischanbaus von Curauá mit Maniok (Manihot esculenta Crantz), Reis (Oryza sativa L.) und Augenbohne (Vigna spp.) und dessen Faserertrag und Fasereigenschaften sowie in Bezug auf die Systemproduktivität untersucht.

25.60 EUR

The potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is the most important pest in potato production in the tropics and subtropics. Faced with serious and increasing problems due to the extensive use of chemical pesticides to control this pest, safer alternatives such as the use of entomopathogens are of growing interest. The research presented here focus on the efficient integration of the endemic granulovirus infecting the potato tuber moth (PoGV) as biopesticide into IPM strategies. The investigations include basic research on the granulovirus-host interaction and ecology which allows a comprehensive understanding of the system and how the system is influenced by environmental factors, and applied research to improve the virus mass propagation technique and the UV-stability of the virus. The results presented allow differentiation between conditions occurring in different agroecological regions for appropriate management of the virus.

25.60 EUR

Evaluation et suivi des états de surface par photographie aérienne sous cerf-volant

Partout dans le monde le cerf-volant est un loisir, mais il est moins connu comme outil. Pourtant, il sert aussi à la prise de vues aériennes en basse altitude dans un but professionnel ou artistique. Les cerfs-volants utilisés à cette fin sont équipés d’un appareil photographique qui fournit des photographies de précision « en vue d’avion ». C’est l’œil du cerf-volant ! 

Ce mode de photographie aérienne est utilisé pour des prises de vues sur des sites spécifiques qui peuvent être des ouvrages tels que puits, barrages, marchés, ou des sites comme celui d’un village ou celui d’un chantier de fouille archéologique. Il est aussi utilisé dans les suivis réguliers, par exemple, celui de parcelles agricoles dans le cadre d’essais agronomiques, ou celui de champs paysans ou de sites d’intervention de projet d’aménagement dont on cherche à suivre l’évolution au cours des saisons ou d’une année sur l’autre. La gamme de ces utilisations est largement illustrée dans l’ouvrage, basé sur l’expérience personnelle de l’auteur au Niger. 

Ce manuel fournit toutes les informations techniques et pratiques relatives au cerf-volant et à l’équipement de prise de vue. Les critères de choix du cerf-volant, de l’appareil photographique, du dispositif de fixation et du système de déclenchement de l’appareil, sont détaillés. Un ordre de grandeur des coûts et une liste d’adresses sélectionnées pour l’achat du matériel complètent l’information technique. 

Le manuel donne aussi des conseils précis pour la mise en œuvre d’une campagne de prise de vue : météo, équipe au sol, repérages… Enfin le manuel est complété par quelques exemples d’interprétation des photographies aériennes à l’aide de logiciels de traitement d’image.

30.00 EUR

Developing a formulation of microbial weed control agents is very essential for their storage, ease of application and protection against environmental constraints. Fusarium oxysporum “Foxy 2” is a fungal antagonist of Striga hermonthica, a root parasite of cereal crops that constitutes a major biotic constraint to food production in the Sahelian and the Savannah zones of Africa.

This book presents a detailed host range study, strategy of developing inoculum mass production techniques using inexpensive locally available agricultural by-products and a simple concept and technology for a biodegradable granular formulation. By adopting “Pesta” formulation technology, a dramatic reduction in the required end-use dosage of fungal inoculum could be achieved, offering a significant economical practical possibility for large scale application. Storage conditions for long shelf-life of Foxy 2 “Pesta” products were optimized as well. Valuable suggestions are also made for research to further enhance the efficacy of the products, as well as to improve the delivery of the mycoherbicide using seed treatment technology. The book intends to contribute to a more meaningful application of Foxy 2 as potential mycoherbicide against Striga within an integrated control approach adoptable and acceptable to subsistence farmers.

25.60 EUR

In West Africa, traditional smallholder fallow systems urgently need sustainable intensification while maintaining soil fertility. Agroforestry systems were propagated to attain these targets. Earlier work, however, had not shown the expected positive effects on yield of the interplanted staple crops due to shading as well as root competition for nutrients and water. From 1995 until 1999, within the frame of the special research programme 308 (1985-1999) “Adapted farming in West Africa” of the University of Hohenheim, root studies were carried out in Southern Benin using the profile wall method for direct root observation and destructive soil monolith sampling. To estimate sustainability of the various treatments, i.e. fertilised, annual and perennial alley cropping in comparison to local practice, and production systems, i.e. maize-cassava intercropping, cassava sole-cropping as well as alley vs. block arrangement of perennial leguminous trees, yield trends were calculated for the three central trial sites at different edapho-climatical ecozones. Additionally, to quantify the complex interactions in agroforestry as well as in intercropping systems, data were used in system process modelling to give quantification of sustainable land management.

25.60 EUR

Proceedings of an International Workshop at Bonn-Koenigswinter, October 21-24, 2002

Millions of farmers throughout the world cannot or will not accept the "Green Revolution" approach to agriculture. What can the principles of Organic Agriculture - with or without certification - contribute to rural development in the tropics and subtropics? The question was central to an international workshop held in Bonn in October 2002, organised by the German non-governmental organisation AGRECOL.

AGRECOL is a non-profit association and supports ecologically sound land use in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The members of AGRECOL have strong professional links to development cooperation. They work with government agencies and NGOs, in education and research, or as consultants.

10.00 EUR

The potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is the most important pest in potato production in the tropics and subtropics. The research present here deals with its ecology. The investigations include studies on the population dynamics of the moth in various potato growing areas of Peru, Egypt and Kenya. Based on life cycle data determined under different agroecological climates a temperature based development model was applied and validated. This model allows predictions of critical infestation periods under given temperature regimes. Furthermore, the population dynamics of the moth were correlated with leaf and tuber infestation in field and store, and field trials were conducted to test biological control methods and to determine the pest intensity-crop loss relationship.

25.60 EUR

The success of the overall reform efforts in transition economies depends to a considerable extent on the existence of adequate institutions. The timing and sequencing of agrarian, economic and financial institutions in transition countries are of enormous political as well as of economic interest. Effective and efficient institutions provide incentives for the economy to invest and, thus, stimulate growth. Particularly in transition countries, the effectiveness of the overall reform efforts has been disappointing and the cause was often associated with the non-existence of adequate institutions. The contributions in this edited volume are the result of the mini-symposium “Rural Institution Sequencing and Timing in Transition Economies“ at the international conference on “Managing Tomorrow’s Agriculture: Incentives, Institutions, Infrastructure and Innovations” in Berlin, August 13-19, 2000 of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). The contributions discuss and evaluate whether there are specific components of the reform process that are best implemented at specific stages of the rural economic transformation, and thus they illustrate the institution sequencing and timing in several rural economic sectors of transition economies. The book is organized in three parts that correspond to the mini-symposium mentioned before:

• Institution sequencing and timing in the rural economic economy,

• Institution sequencing and timing in the agricultural sector, and

• Institution sequencing and timing in the rural finance sector.

Institutional issues in reforming the rural economy are addressed using case studies from transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and China.

54.00 EUR

The first part of this study aims to evaluate national forest legislation currently in effect in twelve sub-Saharan African countries within the framework of the present international discussion surrounding forest policy and sustainable forest sector development. Rather than a comprehensive analysis of structure and contents of the particular forest laws, the objective is to reveal both consistencies and inconsistencies between internationally claimed standards and legislation in place and to analyse to what extent current legislation leaves room for the integration of innovations.

The study is structured according to five dominant themes: Integration of forestry into comprehensive development and environment policies, diversification of management systems, participation and new roles for stakeholders, value-added forest products and services, and complementary measures to promote an appropriate framework.

The analysis of forest legislation illustrates that the most important aspects of forestry are addressed in the forest laws of the countries under consideration. However, they are treated at varying intensity, and more or less in accordance with the standards and guiding principles established in the international debate. The main shortcomings are to be found especially in the co-ordination of the development of the forest sector with the general economic and social development of a country, reform of the public forestry administration and participation of stakeholders, assistance to forest owners and compensation for social and environmental services of forests.

In order to shed light on the gap between existing legislation and the actual relevance of this legislation, the second part of this study goes a step further by addressing the conditions of and the obstacles to the implementation of forest legislation. The investigation is based on a written questionnaire, which was distributed to representatives of the forest administrations and experts working in German technical co-operation projects.

The results of the questionnaire clearly indicate shortcomings both in terms of the implementation of forest laws and in terms of the administrative preconditions in the selected countries. The most severe constraint on the implementation of forest legislation is the current state of the forestry administrations. The reactions to the questionnaire illustrate that the forestry administrations are unable to fulfil their legally assigned mandate.

13.00 EUR

The concept of indicator plants suggests that the plant community at a given site reflects rather precisely the environmental conditions of that site. The present study was conducted in the Cajamarca region of the Peruvian Andes between 3200 and 3600 m asl, in the agro-ecological zone of potatoes, Andean tubers and small cereals. Weed communities associated with the Andean crops were analyzed in view of their indicator value with regard to the sustainability of the respective cropping system. The methodological approach (Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA) for identifying indicator plants proved to be highly appropriate. Altitude and soil factors (pH, calcium carbonate, organic matter and clay) primarily determine weed species composition, while management factors can hardly be assessed by indicator species at the level of resolution investigated in the present study. Indicator species can be applied successfully for site reconnaissance at the local level, or for site comparisons at regional level within the same eco-region.

Their extension to a global scale appears less meaningful.  The field work was embedded in a conceptual discussion of sustainability assessment. Approaches to sustainability assessment comprise economic, environmental and social, as well as composite or systems indicator concepts. The spatial and temporal dimensions of sustainability can be represented graphically, showing the spatial scope from the local to the global level, and time horizons from years to millenia. Most approaches do not cover intergenerational time spans. Sustainability assessment is primarily an instrument for problem analysis; policy-making is driven by normative elements.

22.00 EUR

Der Landwirtschaftliche Strukturwandel bringt viele bäuerliche Familien in Probleme. Seit 1972 gibt es sozio-ökonomische Beratung, die helfen soll, mit den Herausforderungen fertig zu werden und die Probleme der Anpassung, des Übergangs in Zu- und Nebenerwerb, sowie des Ausscheidens aus der Landwirtschaft zu lösen.

Seit 1986 gibt es kirchliche Familienberatung, die sich insbesondere der Menschen in Krisen annimmt. Krisen, die aus dem Zusammenhang von Familie und Betrieb in der Landwirtschaft entstehen. Auch kirchlich eingerichtete Sorgentelefone ergänzen seit einigen Jahren die Hilfsangebote.

Dieses Buch gibt einen breiten Überblick über die Probleme, die Aufgaben, die Methoden und die Organisationsformen der Unterstützungsangebote. Es geht auf die Geschichte der letzten 30 Jahre ein, und gibt einen Einblick in das Geschehen quer durch Deutschland mit einem Ausblick auch auf die Nachbarländer.

Vielfältige Erfahrungen werden geschildert, und wer sich mit dem Thema Existenzgefährdung in der Landwirtschaft befassen will, der findet hier eine Fülle von Information und Anregung.

30.50 EUR

Ce livre présente des informations pratiques sur les techniques de protection naturelle des végétaux. Ces techniques issues du savoir local, traditionnel et des recherches scientifiques doivent en permanence être testées, adaptées ou améliorées. C’est pourquoi cet ouvrage comprend une section consacrée aux approches méthodologiques illustrée par de nombreuses études de cas.

Ce choix est motivé par le souhait d’établir un lien entre l’information sur la protection naturelle des végétaux et les approches méthodologiques. En présentant à la fois des informations techniques et des études de cas sur les recherches agricoles participatives, cet ouvrage contribue à transformer l’échange d’informations en un processus dynamique. Il se veut un outil à la disposition des agriculteurs disposant de peu de ressources et gérant des exploitations biologiques.

Le présent ouvrage a pour objet d’aider les agriculteurs et les vulgarisateurs à acquérir l’expérience et la confiance nécessaires afin d’exploiter au mieux les ressources dont ils disposent.

Des thèmes de recherche sont également proposés afin d’encourager la mise au point de méthodes de protection naturelle des végétaux destinées aux agriculteurs disposant de peu de ressources et gérant des exploitations biologiques.

La première édition de Protection naturelle des végétaux a été publiée en 1986 et a connu un vif succès. Elle a été traduite en huit langues.

51.60 EUR

Principes, exemples et recommandations concernant les méthodes de communication adaptées dans le cadre des programmes de développement rural conduits en Afrique subsaharienne

Une image en dit plus long que mille mots. C’est vrai, mais seulement dans un petit nombre de domaines où l’attention se concentre sur la forme, sur l’apparence des objets. En général, c’est plutôt l’inverse qui est vrai : les mots ont plus de force et sont un moyen de communication bien plus universel que les images. Mais ensemble, le mot et l’image, s’ils sont bien combinés, sont supérieurs à chacun des deux pris isolément. Cela vaut tant pour les populations utilisant l’écriture que pour les populations analphabètes.

Les possibilités de la communication par l’image sont à la fois surestimées et sous-exploitées. Ce livre s’attache à mettre en lumière les possibilités véritables, dans une perspective historique et universelle. Un survol de l’histoire des moyens de communication en Europe aide à comprendre le monde encore essentiellement oral de l’Afrique. Une étude systématique des possibilités et des limites de la communication par l’image définit le cadre général et théorique. L’auteur aborde ensuite les questions fondamentales de la communication avec des analphabètes, en utilisant une approche en fonction de la situation specifique, puis s’attache à décrire les conditions dans lesquelles se déroule la communication au niveau des projets et programmes de développement rural en Afrique. Il présente deux études de cas où la communication assistée par l’image a été développée et mise en pratique avec succès sur le continent. L’évaluation critique et l’analyse comparative de ces cas, conjuguées avec les principes théoriques de base, permettent de formuler des recommandations pratiques.

Cette deuxième édition entièrement remaniée s’adresse aussi bien aux chercheurs qu’aux praticiens du développement œuvrant sur le terrain.

35.80 EUR

Grundlagen, Beispiele und Empfehlungen zu angepassten Kommunikationsverfahren in ländlichen Entwicklungsprogrammen südlich der Sahara

Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte. Das stimmt, aber leider nur in ganz wenigen Bereichen, wo die Gestalt, die oberflächliche Beschaffenheit der Dinge im Brennpunkt der Betrachtung steht. Meist ist es aber andersherum, Worte sind viel aussagekräftiger und als Kommunikationsmittel viel universeller als Bilder. Und erst die richtige Kombination von Wort und Bild ist dem einzelnen Medium überlegen, und das gilt in Schriftkulturen ebenso wie in der Kommunikation mit Analphabeten.

Die wahren Potentiale der Bildkommunikation werden meistens überschätzt und andererseits nur selten voll ausgeschöpft. Hier setzt dieses Buch an, und versucht Aufklärung in historischer und universeller Sichtweise. Das Verständnis der europäischen Mediengeschichte soll es leichter machen, sich in die noch überwiegend orale Welt Afrikas zu versetzen und eine systematische Beschreibung der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bildkommunikation setzt den allgemeinen theoretischen Rahmen. Entsprechend einer situationsfunktionalen Herangehensweise werden danach Grundfragen der Kommunikation mit Analphabeten angesprochen und die Rahmenbedingungen der Kommunikationssituation von Programmen und Projekten der ländlichen Entwicklung in Afrika beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend folgen zwei zentrale Beispiele, wie bildgestützte Kommunikation schon erfolgreich in Afrika entwickelt und eingesetzt wurde. Deren kritische Betrachtung und vergleichende Analyse führt dann zusammen mit den angewandten Grundlagen zu praktischen Empfehlungen.

Das Buch – in seiner zweiten und vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage – wendet sich wieder gleichermaßen an Wissenschaftler und Entwicklungspraktiker.

35.80 EUR

Fundamentals, Examples and Recommendations for Appropriate Communication Processes in Rural Development Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa

A picture says more than a thousand words. This is true, but only in very narrow spheres, where attention centres on the appearance, the outward nature of objects. Usually, however, the opposite is the case. Words are a far more powerful and universal means of communication than pictures. The proper combination of language and imagery, finally, is superior to either of the two alone – this applies equally in literate cultures and in communication with illiterate people.

The true potential of pictorial communication is both overestimated and underexploited. This book aims to fill that gap, providing clarification in a historical and universal perspective. A presentation of the European history of media facilitates empathy with the still essentially oral world of Africa. A major chapter sets out the general theoretical context, providing a systematic study of the potential and limitations of pictorial communication. This is followed by a discussion of communication with illiterates, using a functional, setting-based approach, and a description of the communication setting of rural development programmes and projects in Africa. Having thus laid the groundwork, the author presents two case studies of important instances in which pictorial communication has been developed and utilized successfully in Africa. Critical appraisal and comparative analysis of these cases leads, in conjunction with applied fundamentals, to practical recommendations.

Once more, this second, completely revised and expanded edition is written for academics and development practitioners alike.

35.80 EUR