Plattform zur Wissenschaft-Praxis-Kommunikation
Klimaschutz bleibt wichtig, aber wir müssen uns auch mit den Folgen des Klimawandels auseinandersetzen! Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, bedarf es eines Austausches und Aushandelns zwischen betroffenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen.
Der Regionaldialog Lausitz-Spreewald versucht genau das. Er ist eine Plattform, auf der Wissenschaftler*innen, Praktiker*innen und Vertreter*innen aus Bildung und Kommunen in einen gleichberechtigten Dialog treten und die regionalen Perspektiven vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels erörtern und diskutieren. Die «Kommunikationsplattform» soll somit einen Beitrag dazu leisten, vom abstrakten Begriff «Klimaanpassung» zu konkreten regionalen Maßnahmen in Praxis, Bildung und Beratung zu gelangen.
Der vorliegende Leitfaden zieht eine Zwischenbilanz, dokumentiert die bisherigen Veranstaltungen und den partizipativen Prozess und reflektiert den Regionaldialog als Dialoginstrument zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Hier finden Sie die Onlineversion des Leitfaden 3.
Projektwoche in der Oberstufe
Der Klimawandel ist ein globales Phänomen mit weitreichenden sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Folgen. Mittlerweile wird deutlich, dass eine nachhaltige Entwicklung neben Maß- nahmen zum Klimaschutz (Mitigation) auch solche zur Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels (Adaptation) umfassen muss. In jüngster Zeit rückt der Aspekt der Anpassung verstärkt ins Zentrum der Betrachtungen, wobei Kommunikation und Bildung eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Beides gestaltet sich schwierig, u. a. aufgrund des doch unsicheren Wissens und der Langfristigkeit des Klimawandels. Diese Reihe versammelt Beispiele, die aufzeigen, wie die Thematik der Klimaanpassung in Kommunikation und Bildung umgesetzt werden kann. Idealerweise sind es sehr konkrete und bereits praktisch getestete Maßnahmen und Bildungsprogramme in den unterschiedlichsten Formaten, die im Zusammenspiel von (Bildungs-)Praxis und Wissenschaft, also transdisziplinär erarbeitet wurden und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse im Sinne einer „Bildung fu¨r eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ transportieren.
Die Leitfäden sollen, auch wenn sie vielleicht nicht eins-zu-eins übertragbar sind, Multiplikatoren des gesamten Bildungssektors und auch Forscher*innen motivieren, sich mit dem neuen Bildungsthema auseinander zu setzen und es in der eigenen Bildungspraxis und -theorie zu integrieren.
Hier finden Sie die Onlineversion des Leitfaden 2.
Der hier vorliegende Praxisleitfaden und die zugrunde liegenden Pilotprojekte entstanden während einer fünfjährigen Kooperation von Wissenschaft und (Bildungs-) Praxis. Gemeinsam entwickelten wir die Projekte über mehrere Projektzyklen kontinuierlich weiter und passten sie an den Bedarf der Zielgruppen an. Die Ergebnisse dieser Zusammenarbeit präsentieren wir in diesem Band und hoffen, dass sie Ihnen als Anregung dienen können!
Im Projektverlauf haben wir vor allem mit Lehrenden, Erzieher*innen, Freiwilligen und Ehrenamtlichen in der Jugendbildungsarbeit, Gärtnernden und Aktivist*innen aus Interkulturellen und anderen Gemeinschaftsgärten, Wissenschaftler*innen und anderen Fachleuten für Gartenbau und Saatgut zusammengearbeitet.
Das dabei entstandene praktische Material eignet sich dementsprechend primär zum Einsatz in Kinder- und Jugendzentren, in der Zusammenarbeit mit Schulen, in Gemeinschafts- und anderen urbanen Bildungsgärten. Manche Methodenbeispiele sprechen eher Kinder an, manche sind mehr für Erwachsene geeignet und viele von ihnen können in allen Altersgruppen eingesetzt werden. Es wurden keine wirklich „neuen“ Methoden erfunden. Das Neue an den hier gesammelten Methoden ist vielmehr die konkrete Situation und der inhaltliche Kontext, in dem sie eingesetzt werden.
Wichtig für eine Bildung zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel ist, das Erlebte und Gelehrte so anzubieten, dass der Zusammenhang zu dem Thema Anpassung erschlossen werden kann. Hierzu bedarf es eigener Vorbereitung durch die jeweiligen Anleitenden oder Betreuenden. Das beinhaltet gegebenenfalls eine intensivere Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel und der Anpassung an dessen Folgen, als wir in diesem Leitfaden anbieten können. Auch die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Projektzusammenhängen ergibt sich nicht „von selbst“ und will reflektiert und hinterfragt werden. So betrifft die Bildung, die wir hiermit anbieten, beide Seiten der transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit.
Hier finden Sie eine Online-Version des Leitfaden 1.
Energy and Sustainable Development - Rural Electrification
The Masters Programme in Energy and Environmental Management (EEM) in Developing Countries aims to equip engineers with the ability to deal with the problem associated with energy generation and use in order to satisfy the needs of the current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs. The programme has a strong international focus because the majority of problems associated with unsustainable development cannot be solved at national level alone, but rather requires an international framework. This Master qualifies professionals to work in key positions of the energy industry, governments, NGOs and International Organisations.
The overarching objective of the Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy (PPRE) is to teach students the fundamental principles and applications of renewable energy sources and systems; special attention is paid to renewable energy implementation in developing countries. Technical focuses include: teaching the physical foundations of renewable energy systems, technical implementation and economic conditions for the use of renewable energies, practical testing of components, decentralised energy supply systems, analysis and planning, concrete decentralised energy supply projects (case studies), contacts with firms and institutions in the area of utilising renewable energy sources.
Energy and Sustainable Development - Theses of International Masters; Sustainable Energy Plannning and Policies
The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) invaded the Great Lakes around 1987 or some years earlier. It spread so quickly and reached such high densities that this sessile filter feeder had an impact on these ecosystems and also became the most serious biofouling pest. In due course, zebra mussels became synonymous with invasions of aquatic nuisance species. Projects, conferences, workshops, publications, theses, proceedings, newsletters, reports and websites concerning this species became booming business. However, international books dealing exclusively with zebra mussels and their relatives are few. One of the most important books with contributions from North American as well as non-North American authors is a 810-page book edited by Thomas F. Nalepa and Donald W. Schloesser (1993) dealing with all aspects of “Zebra mussel biology, impacts and control”, summarizing the European experience and the current knowledge thus far completed from recent studies in North America. One year later, in 1994, another book (227 pages) was published by Renata Claudi and Gerald L. Mackie entitled “Practical manual for zebra mussel monitoring and control”. This practical, well-written guide was intended for engineers, technicians and operators at electric power utilities, industries and water or wastewater treatment plants. In 1997 another book appeared, edited by Frank M. D’Itri, entitled “Zebra mussels and aquatic nuisance species” (638 pages), which was, in fact, the proceedings of the Sixth International Zebra Mussel and Other Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference that was held in Dearborn, Michigan, USA in 1996.
In 1992 the Europeans also produced a book on the zebra mussel, the result of a meeting of German, Dutch and French researchers involved in studies on population dynamics, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology and biomonitoring. This book, edited by Dietrich Neumann and Henk A. Jenner, was entitled “The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha—ecology, biological monitoring and first applications in the water quality management” (262 pages). This book emphasized the use of zebra mussels as early warning systems for water quality control and as biological filter to mitigate the effects of eutrophication and other pollution.
Why should we add a new book to the 1937 pages of information already available in these four books? We noticed that a book specific to the European experience with the zebra mussel and its relatives was lacking, in spite of the origin from and early invasions in that continent. Furthermore, we have more than10 years of additional experience with the zebra mussel since the last book was published. The last decades represent a new phase of zebra mussel invasions in Europe with range extensions towards other countries such as Ireland and Spain, as well as range extensions within countries. The latter is probably generated by increased economic and recreational activities serving as vectors for dispersal, coinciding with water quality improvement and with climate change. Another argument in support of this book is that the literature on the zebra mussel is currently so abundant and widely spread, that a new overview is long overdue in order to not become lost in the heap of publications and grey literature.
The present book provides an up-to-date overview of scientific specialists with contributions on all aspects of the zebra mussel. It includes information on fossil and recent species, distribution and dispersal, genetics, food, growth and life history, ecology and ecological impacts, endosymbionts, parasites, predation, indication for water quality and applications, biofouling and control.
We sincerely hope that the book serves the function for which it is intended and becomes a valuable addition to the literature on zebra mussels.
Farming and Rural Systems Economics and Biodiversity in the Tropics
Systems and holistic approaches are more adequate to reality than partial approaches.
Integrating the socioeconomic and socio-cultural sectors into family analyses and integrating spatial analyses in rural livelihood concepts allows more realistic impact assessment of future strategies. With increasing biodiversity in farm production risk of production and marketing is reduced, but extreme high and low incomes are also reduced. The higher the level of biodiversity the more comprehensive knowledge of farmers in production, processing and marketing is needed. And the higher the level of biodiversity the higher the level of ecologically integrated systems in many cases.
In Africa, biodiversity is of central importance in relation to land and water conservation for sustainable farming systems and long-term realization of living standard.
In the Middle East crop diversification is of less importance than diversification of market produce such as livestock products and high value crop produce due to diversified consumers demand and purchasing power.
In Central, South and Southeast Asia biodiversity concepts are to be differentiated into plain and mountain zones. Plain areas are direct related to irrigation and intensive production with less focus on production diversity and more on bio-production techniques, while in mountain areas the focus should be on conservation of natural resources and biodiversity leading to sustainable mountain and rural development.
In Latin America in remote areas to preserve the existing biodiversity is central, while in large scale farming zones the introduction of profitable biodiversity needs to be developed.
Integrating GIS into Farming Systems Economics
This book presents results of a research program which is characterized by i) new areas in research methodology of rural development, ii) focusing on empirical problems in natural resources development, especially water resources, and the relation to living standard of rural people and iii) impact assessment of problem solving strategies as well as of natural (e.g. disaster) strategies on the future livelihood of rural people with combined family-society and socio-economic-ecological simulation models.
The empirical analyses centers around the socioeconomic development of different ethnic groups having different access to natural resources, to capital for investment into modern farm production systems, to markets as well as variations in ownership rights. The driving forces behind settlements in new areas (often forests) and the consequences on land use, market supply and living standard of people are analyzed and used for evaluating future strategies.
The 115 Seychelles islands cover an area of over a million square kilometres in the western Indian Ocean, lying within the Madagascar region biodiversity hotspot. 6,500 species of animal, plant and fungi have been recorded from the islands, including several famous species such as the Aldabra giant tortoise Dipsochelys dussumieri and the coco-de-mer palm Lodoicea maldivica. Endemism is exceptionally high with 50-88% of different animals groups and 45% of plants being recorded only in Seychelles. A large proportion of the genera are endemic and there is one endemic family of tree, represented by the Critically Endangered jellyfish tree Medusagyne oppositifolia (Medusagynaceae) and an ancient endemic family of frogs (Sooglossidae). Many of the endemic species show remarkable adaptations to their island life, from tadpole carrying frogs to carrion feeding caddisflies.
The great significance of the biodiversity of the Seychelles islands was first recognised by Professor John Stanley Gardiner of Cambridge University. Gardiner organised and led the Percy Sladen Memorial Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905. The remarkable number of new species found in 1905 inspired Gardiner to organised a second expedition specifically to the Seychelles islands. These two expeditions remain the largest research effort to concentrate on the region. 100 years later the Indian Ocean Biodiversity Assessment 2000-2005 (IOBA) marked the centenary of the Gardiner expeditions by surveying the biodiversity of the Seychelles islands. This covered all 32 of the granitic islands, a range of the coral islands in the Amirantes, and Aldabra and the southern atolls. More significantly it assessed the diversity of every group of animal, plant, fungus and lichen, rather than relying on indicators. The results of this assessment are presented here as an analysis of the most important sites for biodiversity in the islands.
Regulatory Aspects Significance of Sulfur in the Food Chain, Agriculture and the Environment
This book contains invited and contributed papers from the 7th International Workshop on Sulfur Metabolism in Higher Plants, which was held at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, from May 13 to 17, 2008. The meeting was co-organized by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw, the Laboratory of Basic Research in Horticulture of the Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW), the Technology Partners Foundation (Fundacja Partnerstwa Technologicznego), the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Rothamsted Research (United Kingdom), the Chiba University (Japan), the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (Germany) and the University of Freiburg (Germany). The workshop was attended by 115 participants, representing 20 countries from around the world, and who contributed over 40 oral presentations and 39 posters represented in four sessions.The book contains a selection of the papers covering the various topics of the workshop:
- Influence of sulfur nutrition on plant yield and performance,
- Sulfur-containing compounds and plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses: agricultural, environmental and molecular approaches,
- Sulfur-related compounds involved in heavy metal tolerance and accumulation,
- Sulfur metabolism and remediation,
- Sulfate transport, acquisition and allocation; interactions with other nutrients,
- Interactions between sulfur, nitrogen and carbon metabolism,- Metabolism and role of glutathione,- Sulfur-containing compounds and secondary metabolites in plants,
- Sulfur metabolism in plants in relation to S metabolism in bacteria, fungi and animals,
- Importance of sulfur nutrition for human and animal health and well-being,
Human perception, ecological impacts and management
Ailanthus altissima, Carpobrotus spp., Fallopia japonica are the prime subject of papers presented in this volume. At an international level, the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) has encouraged countries to recognize that they cannot solve problems connected with biological invasions by working solely within their own administrative borders. By their very definition, IAS are an international problem. Apart from their threat to biodiversity and ecosystem services, invasive species have a significant socio-economic impact. Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to the threats posed by invasive species because their economies typically rely heavily on agriculture, locally cultivated varieties, forestry and fishing. Moreover, within these countries it is generally the rural communities that are most at risk, as their livelihoods are almost solely based on these economic sectors, while the poorest people may be dependent on local biodiversity for food, fuel and construction material (GISP 2007).
Seychelles Fauna Monographs
The Seychelles islands comprise 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean. These form two main groups; the northern granitic islands and the southern, coralline islands (Fig. 1-2). The southern islands are less than 10m above sea level, representing raised coral atolls or sand cays (Matthews & Davies 1966; Stoddart et al. 1971). This results in limited habitat variation and correspondingly low species diversity. The granitic islands (Fig. 2) are the remnants of the Seychelles microcontinent which was isolated following the break-up of Gondwanaland 65-100 million years ago. These are high islands reaching 905 metres above sea level. This results in great habitat diversity and high rainfall, contributing to the growth of diverse rain forest habitats.
The following account concerns all species of Orthopteroidea recorded in the islands. The Orthopteroid insect orders comprise the crickets, katydids and grasshoppers (Orthoptera), stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea), web-spinner (Embiidina) and the Dictyoptera (termites, cockroaches, mantises and earwigs). This is an early group of insects, dating back some 300 million years.
Phytoremediation, i.e. the use of plants to recover contaminated soils, water and sediments, is a non-destructive and cost-effective in situ technology. In the tropics, it is particularly promising for the clean-up of petroleum-contaminated soils (plant-assisted rhizodegradation), since climatic conditions favour plant growth and microbial activity in the soil.
The present work studied the potential of tropical species found in contaminated soil in the savannah of eastern Venezuela for their use in phytoremediation. The research comprised field studies for the pre-selection of potential phytoremediation species, the effect of crude oil on plant growth and root morphology, and greenhouse experiments for the evidence of enhanced crude oil degradation in planted soil. The tropical pasture grass Brachiaria brizantha, showing best degradation results, was chosen for detailed studies on phytoremediation mechanisms.
Different fertiliser levels were tested with the aim to optimise growth of B. brizantha, and to enhance microbial degradation of heavy crude oil in soil. The effect of B. brizantha on the number and activity of soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere compared to non-rhizosphere soil was studied. Furthermore, substrate utilization patterns were used to determine the influence of B. brizantha on the microbial community structure.
The present study identified a tropical grass species for the phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils that is interesting not only for Venezuela but also other tropical and subtropical countries.
«Heimat» ist ein vielschichtiger und umstrittener Begriff. In letzter Zeit mehren sich die Stimmen für seine Wiederbelebung – mit dem Ziel, eine nachhaltige Umweltentwicklung in regionalen und lokalen Prozessen anzustoßen.
Welche Inhalte wurden in der Vergangenheit, welche werden heute mit „Heimat“ verbunden?
Welche Chancen und welche Risiken birgt die Verwendung des Heimatbegriffs im Naturschutz und in der räumlichen Planung?
Diesen Fragen gehen Fachleute aus der Planungspraxis, aus Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften, aus Migrationsprojekten sowie aus Naturschutz- und Heimatbünden nach. Dabei repräsentieren die Beiträge ein Meinungsspektrum von klarer Befürwortung bis hin zur konsequenten Ablehnung des Begriffs «Heimat».
Tropical multipurpose shrub and tree (MPT) legumes play an important role in mixed farming systems. They contribute to livestock production directly as protein-rich forage and feed supplement, and indirectly as, e.g., shade trees and living fences. MPT used as planted fallows, green manures and mulches are a source of nitrogen (N) in many parts of the tropics where N fertilizer is not economically feasible. MPT contribute to soil improvement through their capacity to fix atmospheric N, increase organic matter content and enhance soil structure.
Despite their multiple uses, research on MPT quality has been carried out independently within individual disciplines and little information exchange on methodological aspects between soil scientists and animal nutritionists has occurred in the past. To take full advantage of both, the livestock production and soil enhancement related potential of MPT, the application of time and resource saving interdisciplinary research methods is necessary.
The research presented in this book showed that anaerobic standard in-vitro techniques from animal nutrition are time and resource saving alternatives to predict aerobic decomposition and N release in the soil. Based on these findings, the application of a single standardised method to analyse anaerobic digestibility and predict aerobic decomposition of MPT foliage is suggested.
Training Manual, Volume I
This forestry training manual provides a compendium of 29 training units that can be used as references in designing, planning, and conducting training programs on establishment and sustainable management of forests by smallholders. The focus is on establishment of production forests with protective functions achieved through a permanent forest cover. Primary target group of the training manual are trainers involved in implementation of KfW co-financed large-scale forestry projects in Vietnam. Secondary target group are personal of public and private forestry agencies as well as other organizations active in working with smallholders and forest resource conservation and management.
VOLUME 1. FOREST ESTABLISHMENT covers principles of smallholder forestry in Vietnam, implementation planning; quality management, incentive & extension service delivery, small-scale container nursery; forest establishment.
VOLUME 2. CLOSE TO NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT focuses on management of mixed close to nature forest stands including transforming single species plantations into sustainable mixed forest.
Ein Untersuchungskonzept der Nachhaltigkeit des Landnutzungsprojektes GRANO
Transdisziplinarität - also die Kooperation und Kommunikation von Wissenschaft und Praxis zur gemeinsamen Lösung gesellschaftlich relevanter Probleme - gilt als sinnvoller Ansatz für Umwelt- oder Landnutzungsforschung. Es handelt sich hierbei um Forschungsbereiche mit einer bedeutenden gesellschaftlichen Komponente. Transdisziplinarität ist jedoch kein Selbstzweck. Die postulierte Überlegenheit transdisziplinärer Forschung im Hinblick auf ihre Problemlösungskompetenz gegenüber klassischen Ansätzen muss sich anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse und Wirkungen belegen lassen.
An diesem Punkt setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an. Zwar existieren innerhalb des Wissenschaftssystems etablierte Verfahren zur vergleichenden Bewertung, diese werden jedoch der transdisziplinären Vorgehensweise nicht voll gerecht. Transdisziplinäre Forschung ist an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft angesiedelt und produziert deshalb Ergebnisse auf zwei Ebenen. Neben wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis beinhaltet sie die Erarbeitung von kontextgebundenem Problemlösungswissen. Es existieren jedoch weder Verfahren, die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen transdisziplinärer Forschung angemessen zu beurteilen, noch angepasste Methoden zur Bewertung ihrer praktischen Wirkungen.
Am Beispiel des BMBF geförderten Landnutzungsprojektes GRANO „Ansätze für eine dauerhaft-umweltgerechte landwirtschaftliche Produktion: Modellgebiet Nordost-Deutschland“ entwickeln die Autoren das Konzept einer späteren Wirkungsanalyse und leisten damit gleichzeitig einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Beurteilungsverfahren transdisziplinärer Forschung.
Worldwide, soils are lost to agricultural productive use at an alarming rate. Soil erosion by water and wind is estimated to be the single most important factor causing soil degradation. Cassava, an important subsistence and cash crop of small farmers, is often cultivated as a sole crop on already degraded hillside soils. Due to its slow initial growth, fields planted to cassava are especially prone to erosion to erosion. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop alternative cropping practices, adapted to local conditions which maintain the soil in place and stabilise or even increase crop productivity. The objectives of this long-term research programme were therefore to gain insight into the factors governing soil erosion and degradation and to determine agronomically and economically sound soil conservation systems for cassava.
Trials for estimating soil loss by water were established in 1987 on two sites (on station and on farm) with slopes of 7-20% in the Andean zone of southwest Colombia, using the Wishmeier and Smith methodology. The present study covers the period 1987-1992 and reports on rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility and the effectiveness of soil conserving practices in cassava cropping such as contour ridging, grass barriers and intercropping with forage legumes.
Soil erosion by water is a serious problem in the Andean Region of South Colombia, especially in cassava based cropping systems. The long-term research established in 1987 and described in volumes 1 and 3 of the series was continued till 1998. The previous research phases had shown that the application of the universal soil loss equation (USLE) in tropical areas was questionable due to the rainfall erosivity factor (R-Factor), which had been derived based upon temperate climate rainfall data. The present study covers the whole rainfall erosivity data established between 1987 and 1998 at the two research sites and includes long-term erosivity data from four additional meteorological stations from the region. The relation between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy was defined based upon drop size distribution measurements, taken during 7 rainy seasons between 1993 and 1998. Additionally long-term soil erodibility data were established from the erosion plots for two soil types and the productivity and soil conservation value of seven cassava based cropping systems were evaluated.
Die Umweltwissenschaften stehen vor großen Herausforderungen. So erfolgreich wir mit wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen bei technischen Anwendungen sind, vor so großen Problemen stehen wir mit unseren disziplinär geprägten Wissenschaften bei der Lösung von komplexen Umweltproblemen. Zwar genießt die Wissenschaft durch ihre Erfolge nach wie vor große Autorität in der Gesellschaft, gleichzeitig wird aber in vielen Fällen nach der lebensweltlichen Relevanz von Wissensproduktion gefragt. Hinzu kommt das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen „freier“ wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und der gesellschaftlichen Wertesetzung, wie mit diesen Erkenntnissen umzugehen ist.
In diesem Buch analysieren führende Wissenschaftstheoretiker den Stand der epistemiologischen Diskussion in den Umweltwissenschaften und zeigen Perspektiven für deren Weiterentwicklung auf. Dabei geht es um Erkenntnisgrundlagen der Umweltwissenschaften, Selbstreflexion der Wissenschaftler, neue methodische Ansätze, erfolgreiches interdisziplinäres Arbeiten, die Einbeziehung der Nutzer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in den Forschungsprozess, ein neues Verhältnis zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften und um ethische Fragen.
Neue Wege für Naturschutz, Grundwasserschutz und Landwirtschaft am Beispiel der Wassergewinnungsregion
In verschiedenen Bereichen des Umweltschutzes wird derzeit auf Kooperationen mit Landnutzern gesetzt, mit dem Ziel, Synergien zu erreichen und die Umsetzung von Umweltzielen zu verbessern.
Dieses war auch der Anlass für das durch die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) geförderte Forschungs- und Umsetzungsvorhaben „Wasser und andere Umweltleistungen: Multilaterale Kooperation in der Wassergewinnungsregion Nord-Hannover (Fuhrberger Feld)“, das sich mit diesem Themenfeld beschäftigt.
Das Vorhaben wurde von 2000 bis 2002 vom Ingenieurbüro GeoInfometric (Hildesheim) koordiniert und zusammen mit der Stadtwerke Hannover AG (Hannover) und dem Institut für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz der Universität Hannover durchgeführt.
In dem Vorhaben sollten die Potentiale einer Kooperation zwischen Wasserschutz sowie Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (im Folgenden kurz: Naturschutz) unter enger Beteiligung der Landnutzer und Kommunen ausgelotet werden. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung enthält die Ergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens in ihrer ganzen Breite und vertieft insbesondere die Themen:
• Aufbereitung der Naturschutzbelange und Planungsgrundlagen für
solche Kooperationen,
• Möglichkeiten der Verbesserung der Effizienz des Mitteleinsatzes
für Grundwasser- und Naturschutzmaßnahmen sowie
• die Möglichkeiten für die Organisation von Kooperationen.
Part 2: Overviews from the Final Reports of the EUROTRAC-2 Subprojects
The atmospheric changes brought about by human activities can have serious effects on air quality, human health, ecosystems, materials, acidification and eutrophication, and on the climate. Complex and interrelated processes contribute to the cycle of pollutants. EUROTRAC-2 was set up to create an in-depth understanding of these complex systems and to provide a scientific basis for abatement strategies. More than 300 research groups in over 30 countries joined in the work from 1998 - 2002.
In order to present the work of EUROTRAC-2 to a broader audience, the results are published in two books. This book, Towards Cleaner Air for Europe - Science, Tools and Applications Part 2, presents overviews of the scientific results obtained in all 14 EUROTRAC-2 subprojects. The work of the Synthesis and Integration project is published as Part 1 of Towards Cleaner Air for Europe. These publications together provide a comprehensive summary of EUROTRAC-2 and a useful reference to the most recent scientific results and principal activities in this field in Europe.
Part 1: Results from the EUROTRAC-2 Synthesis and Integration Project.
EUROTRAC-2 was a project within the EUREKA initiative on the transport and chemical transformation of environmentally relevant trace constituents in the lower atmosphere over Europe. Its aim was to improve the quantitative understanding of air pollution including the factors determining the formation, transport, chemical transformation, deposition and impact of photo-oxidants, aerosols, acidifying substances, mercury and persistent organic compounds in the troposphere. The project was set up in 1998 and research was carried out until 2002. It built on the first phase of EUROTRAC that ran from 1988 to 1995.
EUROTRAC-2 has been a platform for the exchange of information, knowledge and experience throughout Europe, with an active involvement of many groups in Central and Eastern Europe. In EUROTRAC-2, the resources of the participating countries and of the European Union have been brought together to support the creation of viable, active research groups to address interdisciplinary and international, transboundary problems. The European research base for tropospheric chemistry has been greatly strengthened and is well prepared to meet the challenges of new and evolving programmes within the European Research Area.
In order to present the work of EUROTRAC-2 to a broader audience, the results are published in two books. This book, Towards Cleaner Air for Europe - Science, Tools and Applications, Part 1, is the result of the synthesis and integration activity. The results have been synthesised and integrated across subproject boundaries by considering five cross-cutting themes of major policy relevance, namely emissions, deposition, tropospheric ozone and its control, urban air quality, aerosols and particulate matter. Under an overall structure, the lead authors use a variety of approaches to tell their stories. The scientific results obtained in EUROTRAC-2 are discussed in detail in the individual Final Reports of the subprojects. Overviews from all 14 subprojects have been compiled in a
Final Report of the project as a whole, published as Part 2 of Towards Cleaner Air for Europe.
EUROTRAC-2 has demonstrated the feasibility of implementing the coordination needed to achieve coherent and consistent research on the troposphere and its environmental aspects, and to form the basis for the development of cost-effective and optimal abatement policies for Europe. The strength achieved from 15 years of research can be built on in the future.
Formen interner und externer Forschungskooperation
Das Prinzip der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung ist in aller Munde, die konkrete Umsetzung auf der regionalen und lokalen Handlungsebene lässt jedoch noch viele inhaltliche und methodische Fragen offen. Die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von nachhaltigen Handlungskonzepten steht in vielen Bereichen noch am Anfang und bedarf u.a. transdisziplinärer Kooperationen und fortwährender Reflektions- und Lernprozesse um sozial-ökologische Transformationen zu initiieren.
Das BMBF-Verbundforschungsprojekt GRANO umfasste die Entwicklung und Erforschung von Ansätzen in Bereichen der nachhaltigen Landschaftsnutzung.
Entwicklung bedeutete für die beteiligten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler: Vorhandenes Wissen identifizieren, anpassen und in regionalen Modellprojekten umsetzen. Forschung bezog sich auf den Prozess der Planung, Durchführung und Evaluierung des Vorhabens. In beiden Fällen ging es um eine möglichst weitgehende Partizipation aller Beteiligten.
Das wissenschaftliche Symposium, welches im Juni 2002 zum Abschluss des Projektes in Chorin stattfand, diente dem wissenschaftlichen Dialog über transdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte in peripheren Regionen.
Dabei stehen die für uns auch fünf Jahre nach Beginn von GRANO noch geltenden Anfangshypothesen im Vordergrund: Nachhaltige Lösungen bedingen Konsens und dieser ist nur durch die kontinuierliche Beteiligung von regionalen Entscheidungsträgern erreichbar.Die Suche nach neuen Formen externer Kooperation hat Konsequenzen für die interne Gestaltung des interdisziplinären Forschungsprozesses.
Proceedings EUROTRAC Symposium 2002
This book and the accompanying CD-ROM record the activities of Symposium 2002, the seventh symposium of the coordinated EUREKA environmental project, EUROTRAC, and the third of its second phase, EUROTRAC-2. The number of new scientific results and findings illustrates the comprehensive nature of this highly succesful project.
The book contains the invited lectures under the topic headings of the Symposium which focussed on the cross-cutting themes of the EUROTRAC-2 Synthesis & Integration. Extended abstracts for the poster presentations, overviews from the EUROTRAC-2 subprojects as well as the lectures can be found on the CD-ROM, with figures/tables in full colour. These publications provide a lively snapshot of EUROTRAC-2 and a useful reference to the most recent scientific results and principal activities in this field in Europe.
Neue Wege kooperativen Handelns
Nachhaltigkeit ist kein statisches Konzept, es bedarf der ständigen Fortentwicklung und Erneuerung. Im Rahmen des BMBF-Förderschwerpunkts "Ökologische Konzeptionen für Agrarlandschaften" entwickelte und erforschte das Verbundforschungsvorhaben GRANO über 5 Jahre in zwei Modellregionen neue kooperative Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Landschaftsnutzung. Die im vorliegenden Buch dargestellten vielfältigen inhaltlich-praktischen Ergebnisse von GRANO haben durch die aktuelle agrarpolitische Diskussion zusätzlich an Relevanz gewonnen. Sie bestätigen:• Nachhaltige Lösungen bedingen Konsens und dieser ist nur durch die aktive Beteiligung wesentlicher Akteure erreichbar.• Die Suche nach neuen Formen externer Kooperation hat Konsequenzen für die interne Gestaltung des interdisziplinären Forschungsprozesses.
Resource tenure, finance and social security play an inter-dependent and joint role with regard to the economic development of rural regions in low income countries. In the past, these areas usually have been considered as three separate fields. This has led to misleading conclusions and recommendations on both the scientific and the policy level. In this volume, an integrated approach is put forward in order to stimulate a discussion which hopefully will lead to more robust strategies for socio-economic development. When developing such an approach, a key question is to which extent within the strategies of individuals and households, these three areas are substituting or complementing each other. Within this volume, the strategies of households, the state and the civil society are considered as they target poverty alleviation and adjustment in economic transformation processes.
L’écotoxicologie est devenue nécessaire lorsque l’homme a commencé à introduire des produits chimiques dans l’environnement. Personne ne s’était préoccupé du devenir de ces produits chimiques jusqu’au moment où ils ont commencé à se manifester dans des endroits inattendus, ou lorsqu’ils ont eu des effets néfastes sur les organismes vivant dans l’environnement. Certaines substances ont des effets immédiats, néfastes, tandis que d’autres peuvent avoir des impacts qui ne se manifestent que plus tard, par exemple lorsque la population animale ou végétale décroît, à la suite d’une baisse de fertilité.
L’écotoxicologie est devenue nécessaire lorsque beaucoup de nouvelles substances qui, à l’origine n’existaient pas dans la nature ont été synthétisées dans les pays industrialisés. La plupart de ces substances artificielles ont des effets notables, même lorsqu’elles sont fortement diluées. Néanmoins, l’écotoxicologie concerne également des substances qui ont toujours existé dans la nature, mais qui sont libérées dans l’environnement pour des besoins spécifiques ou qui sont transportées et concentrées en grande quantité à travers l’activité humaine.
L’écotoxicologie est devenue nécessaire du fait que la société industrielle, et également le monde en développement tirent de gros profits de l’utilisation de toutes sortes de produits chimiques, et ont toujours été conscients des risques potentiels inhérents à l’utilisation de ces substances. Malgré l’utilisation de technologies efficaces et saines pour l'environnement, la croissance globale de la population requiert l’emploi de substances chimiques à une échelle plus large. Jusqu’ici, on ne sait que très peu de choses sur le niveau de stress que peuvent subir les écosystèmes. En résumé, l’écotoxicologie est une excroissance de la nécessité de l’homme de se protéger et de préserver la base de sa survie, – l’équilibre de la nature, contre les effets de ses propres produits. Ceci est d’autant plus vrai, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit des produits de protection des cultures.
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