Startseite        eCollaboration         Abwasser in KENYA

Wastewater Treatment in Kenya

[Currently only available in English and French:]

In brief

The UBSUP Team [Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor in Kenya] together with an expert from Margraf Publishers prepared and implemented two basic training sessions on wastewater treatment and management for sector personnel in order to improve the overall understanding of wastewater treatment and management. The training aimed to prepare and to provide a training manual together with the participants. This manual is used by the participants for their own training activities.

The virtual platform

The platform was the centre of all all activities related to the training courses. The interactive tools summarized the existing knowledge level and the wishes before the trainings (Training Needs Assessment). The platform was mainly used to prepare the training courses and the manual.

Beside a closed Facebook-group, the following tools were used in the platform:

  • List of «Personal data» (photo, e-mail address, phone-number);
  • «Professional profile» (company / institution, function, professional level and experience in training activities);
  • «Download»: basic material, mainly PDF documents, offered for reading before the training courses allowed the trainer assigned by Margraf Publishers to start the presence courses at a certain level;
  • «Training Needs Assessment» through a Multiple Choice Test (MCT). The results affected the content of the training manuals offered to the participants.

Startpage of the project

[Click the image to proceed to the projects public start page]


[Click the image to download a PDF of the first internal page]