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Sector Governance in Urban Sanitation

[Dieser Kurs ist auf Englisch und Französisch verfügbar – die Beschreibung der Kurse ist hier deshalb in englischer Sprache.]

These e-Learning courses are based on material written 2008 by Samir Bensaid (Governance and Sanitation), Nils Janson (Financing of Sanitation), and Fadhel Ghariani (Institutional Aspects) on behalf of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and World Bank Institute (WBISD); all of these articles have been reviewed and updated in 2013/14 by Margraf Publishers.

Every lesson – taking participants between 60 and 120min reading time – is constructed the same way. It consists of four pages which care for the most crucial content and of four pages to give participants the opportunity to read the whole chapter and to comment on their personal (or the view of the organization they are working with).

The lessons are thematically summarized into modules. Each module, consisting of 5 to 8 lessons, takes 2 weeks. The first week is a study time («Aquire Knowledge») and the second week of each module is the «Reflection & Remix» period. Every action taken by the participants is accompanied by e-Tutors (specialized e-Learning trainers) who evaluate and motivate each participant. The e-Tutors offer also so-called «Webinars» in every module to give extended input with additional presentations and lectures and by giving participants the opportunity to use their headsets to discuss over audio (Voice over IP [VoIP]).

The e-Tutors are also responsible to track and monitor each participant and to give recommendations about the content of a certificate. The eGOV english courses have been repeated several times since they first came to the market in 2008. Due this huge success, it was decided in 2015 to translate and implement the course for a French audience as well (in cooperation with GIZ and IEA / ONEE Maroc).

Cooperative Distance Learning Approach

Participants should be familiar with the basics of distance-learning and with the principles of the Cooperative Learning Approach – an educational approach which aims to organize learning activities into academic and social learning experiences. Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively toward the goals of the course. Unlike individual learning, a cooperative learning process can capitalize on one another’s resources and skills (asking one another for information, evaluating one another’s ideas, monitoring one another’s work, etc.). The e-tutors who are guiding the learning process are not supposed to give detailed information but to facilitate students' learning.

Structure of the Course

The e-learning course is divided into three (3) modules. «Introduction to Governance & Sanitation» describes the background and highlights the importance of sanitation in general. There are also lessons about the role of sanitation in the fight against poverty and HIV and about the Sustainable Sanitation approach. The «Economics, Pricing & Financing» module describes the financial considerations when planning for sanitation systems, such as costs, sources of financing, loans, tariffs and subsidies etc. The final module «Institutional Aspects» shows roles and functions of the different stakeholders from the public and the private sector.

At the end of the course, participants should be able to describe and evaluate the sanitation networks in their home towns and to develop organizational and financial strategies to enhance existing or to establish new sanitation systems.

Course Components & Timeframe

The e-Learning course is designed for a total learning time of 6 weeks. The course is supposed to be used on an extra-occupational basis. Beside their daily work, participants should calculate with one (1) hour per day to browse through the reading material and to develop the description of a strategy. Beside the interactive presentation of the learning content, the course includes Webinars, Multiple Choice Tests and Exchange Forums for a collaborative group work.

Target Group & Language

Emphasis of the course is not on technical solutions but on organizational, economical and financial aspects of sanitation and the institutional framework which needs to be considered when planing for sanitation systems.

Target users are from the senior managers and supervisors level in water and sanitation utilities or in local, federal or national government entities, and may also come from other water related associations, NGOs etc. The training wants to enhance the capacity of local decision-makers to make the most efficient, effective and equitable use of investments in sanitation.

The courses are offered in both English and French. A special language test may be necessary to get accepted as participant.

Pre-Requisites to Join the Course

  • Professional Background: Senior managers and supervisors in water and sanitation utilities or local, federal, national governmental units, NGOs or other water related organizations.
  • Workload: Around 6 hours per week in order to complete the course successfully.
  • Technical Environment: Up-to-date browser and a stable internet connection to read the course and work together with other participants on the individual system templates.
  • Also required: a headset to join the interactive web-sessions.


Successful participants receive a certificate about their attendance and their performance. To receive a certificate, participants have to (1) join at least two (of three) interactive webinars; (2) successfully complete three Multiple Choice Tests (at least 60%) at the end of each module; (3) develop a description of the current state of the local sanitation environment and a strategy to enhance the situation; and (4) actively take part in the working groups.

The table of content is available here:

Module 1 «Introduction to Governance & Sanitation» describes the background and highlights the importance of sanitation in general:

  • 1-Sanitation Concepts
  • 2-The Concept of Governance
  • 3-Sanitation Context and Challenges
  • 4-Sanitation and Poverty
  • 5-Importance and Benefits of Sanitation
  • 6-Sustainable Sanitation
  • 7-Critical Issues Related to Sanitation
  • 8-Sanitation vs HIV/AIDS

Module 2 «Economics, Pricing & Financing» describes the financial considerations when planning for sanitation systems, such as costs, sources of financing, loans, tariffs and subsidies etc.:

  • 1-Services and Organisation of Sanitation
  • 2-Costs of Providing Sanitation
  • 3-Sources of Financing
  • 4-Financing Issues
  • 5 & 6-Possible Actions

Module 3 «Institutional Aspects» shows roles and functions of the different stakeholders from the public and the private sector:

  • 1-Sanitation Services & Governance Deficiencies
  • 2-Basic Institutional Principles: Functions & Actors
  • 3-Service Providers - Municipal Departments & Public Utilities
  • 4-Structuring Relationships Between Stakeholders
  • 5-Moving Towards Good Governance


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