[Dieser Kurs ist auf Englisch und Französisch verfügbar – die Beschreibung der Kurse ist hier deshalb in englischer Sprache.]
This e-Learning course is based on the «Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies» by eawag aquatic research. This compendium was developed in the context of the Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning (CLUES) – a multi-sector and multi-actor – approach accounting for water supply, sanitation, solid waste management and storm drainage. The course has been developed on behalf of GIZ GmbH, Germany.
Structure of the Course
The course begins with a introduction to the planning of sanitation and with a short self-test. The e-learning course is divided into 2 units. «System Templates» consist of 9 parts describing the structure and the components of complete sanitation systems. Every system template gives short overviews on the function, the use and the pros/cons of the components which are needed to establish this sanitation system.
Once the participant is familiar with the sanitation systems, he/she can go into detail and follow the Technology Information string to learn in detail about the components of new sanitation approaches in «Functional Groups & Technologies». This unit describes around 50 technological components of which a particular sanitation system may be composed.
The technological components are organized in 5 groups. At any time, participants can move between the System Templates and the Technology Information (they are cross-referenced) until he/she has identified some systems and/or technologies that could be appropriate for further investigation.
At the end of the course, participants should be able to develop own system configurations and to evaluate the advantages and possible risks of the technologies they chose for their approach.
Course Components & Timeframe
The e-Learning course is designed for a total learning time of 4 weeks. As mentioned above, the course is meant for professionals from the sanitation sector. That's why the course is supposed to be used on an extra-occupational basis.
Beside their daily work, participants should calculate with 1 hour per day to browse through the reading material and to develop their own sanitation scenario. Beside the interactive presentation of the learning content, the course includes Webinars, Multiple Choice Tests and Exchange Forums for a collaborative group work.
Target Group & Language
This course is intended to be used by engineers, planners and other professionals who are familiar with sanitation technologies and processes. It is not a training manual or stand-alone resource for people with no experience in sanitation planning. The user of this e-Learning must have an interest in learning more about alternative or novel technologies. The approach and information presented herein is meant to broaden the spectrum of innovative and appropriate technologies considered for sanitation planning.
The courses are offered in English and also in French. The B2 language level is required to follow the courses. A special language test may be necessary to get accepted as participant.
The table of content is available here: